Saturday, January 16, 2016

Met Yah Cintamani II 如意宝药丸

Met Yah Cintamani II (108 herbs material) from LP Yai of Samnak Pah Thammayan Muni, Nakhon Pathom. With 20 over Cintamani pills in each bottle. LP Yai the master of Lek Lai amulets is very famous now after Malaysian papers did a report on the amazing protective powers of these Lek Lai. There are also various Youtube videos showing how they can protect one from fire, acid, knife and gun. Excellent for improving health, vitality and helps to cure many types of sickness. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 5 bottles available. $50 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
如意宝药丸(108种药草制)- 出自龙婆艾,法智牟尼僧舍,佛统府。每瓶有20多粒药丸在里面。自从马国报纸报导了龙婆艾流铁牌的神奇保护力后,师父已非常出名了。在网上也有很多录像可以看到他的流铁如何让人不会被火、硫酸、刀和枪所伤。能增强健康、体力及帮助治疗多种疾病。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有5瓶。每瓶50元

*Before one takes the pill, one shd chant Medicine Buddha Mantra
108x and visualize all his blessings entering into the pill.
Eat no more than 1 per day*

**Free LP Yai amulet and mini lek lai with every purchase**

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