Sunday, August 30, 2015

Rainbow Rae Lek Lai 七彩流铁石

Rainbow Rae Lek Lai (Lek Lai material) from Umklum mountain, Kanchanaburi. Already encased in steel casing. Umklum mountain is the place where LP Samrit used to harvest Lek Lai. Each piece has unique features. This piece looks like an eagle soaring above a mountain peak. Excellent for boosting luck, improving health, protection from all danger and negative things. $150. SOLD. Thks for support!
七彩流铁石(流铁制)- 出自乌姆库伦山,北碧府。已装上钢壳。乌姆库伦山是昔日龙婆叄立求取流铁的地方。每块都是与众不同的。这粒可以看到苍鹰飞翔在山峰上。能赐予起运、健康及防御一切危险和煞气。150元

Lek Lai Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Namo Mahapalang Benjathat Anurak Khantu Na Mo Put Ta Ya (5x).

*Feed with a little pure honey on every Wan Phra
and bathe it in moonlight on every full moon day*

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