Sunday, August 30, 2015

Prakam Lek Lai 流铁念珠

Prakam Lek Lai (Kee Lek Lai material) from Umklum mountain, Kanchanaburi. Consist of 108 Kee Lek Lai beads. Umklum mountain is the place where LP Samrit used to harvest Lek Lai. Lek Lai beads are very effective in tuning the energy of both mind and body for meditation, and can multiply the power of one's chanting by millions of times. Excellent for boosting luck, improving health, protection from all danger and negative things. $250. SOLD. Thks for support!
流铁念珠(流铁屎制)- 出自乌姆库伦山,北碧府。串有108粒流铁屎珠。乌姆库伦山是昔日龙婆叄立求取流铁的地方。流铁念珠对于调和身心的能量以达到禅定非常有效,也可以使自己念经咒的威力扩大数百万倍。能赐予起运、健康及防御一切危险和煞气。250元

Lek Lai Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Namo Mahapalang Benjathat Anurak Khantu Na Mo Put Ta Ya (5x).

*Bathe it in moonlight on every full moon day*

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