Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Takrut Phra Ananda 阿难尊者符管

Takrut Phra Ananda (Lead material, 1.5") from LP Manot of Wat Bung Kla, Nakhon Rachasima. Each with temple chop in the middle. Phra Ananda was the personal attendant of Lord Buddha, blessed with a photographic memory and sharp intellect. Excellent for boosting memory, intellect, wisdom, guidance and protection. Most suitable for students. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 7 pieces available. $30 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
阿难尊者符管(锡制,1.5寸)- 出自龙婆马诺,布恩卡寺,呵叻府。每支中间盖有标记。阿难尊者是佛祖的贴身侍应,有着过耳不忘的记忆力及超强的头脑。能赐予提升记忆力、思考能力、智慧、指导及保护。最适合学生。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有7支。每支30元

Phra Ananda Katha:

Anantho Puttu Pattako,
Sangkiti Satu Sammato,
Pahussuto Thammataro,
Satta Sotting Karotuno (3 or 7x).

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