Friday, May 8, 2015

Phra Lek Lai Pim Tewada II 天人模流铁佛

Phra Lek Lai Pim Tewada II (Lek Lai material) from LP Huan of Wat Puttaisawan, Ayuttaya. They are molded from the purest form of Lek Lai Thong Muang, possessing powerful mystical energy. LP Huan is one of the few top masters of Lek Lai in Thailand. People from all over the world come to the temple to seek out his famous pure Lek Lai amulets. Excellent for boosting luck, health, purifying bodily energy, deflection of all black magic, evil spirits, weapons and danger. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). $550. SOLD. Thks for support!
天人模流铁佛(流铁制)- 出自龙普环,菩泰沙旺寺,大城府。它们是用最纯净的紫金流铁所铸成,具备超强的灵力。龙普是全泰国少数顶尖的流铁大师。全世界都有信众到寺庙来请他远近闻名的纯流铁牌。能赐予起运、健康、净化身体的能量、顶开一切降头、邪灵、武器及危险。佛历2555(2012)年开光。550元

Katha Lek Lai LP Huan:

Puttang Saranang Kachami,
Thammang Saranang Kachami,
Sangkang Saranang Kachami.

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