Takrut Nakaraj Ruay Lan V (Copper foil material, 4") 4th batch
from LP Simpli of Wat Pah Wichai, Loei. Already placed in tube, with special Rae
Serm Palang Gai mineral powder stuffed at both ends. In the middle there are
also serial no and temple chops. LP Simpli, a disciple of both LP Mun and LP
Thep Lok Udon, is a miraculous forest monk who although already 118 yrs old,
looks like he is only 60. It is said he started returning back to youth at 95
yrs old. Excellent for bestowing main and side wealth, pray for lottery numbers,
good business, boost luck, energy, strength and protection from all danger.
Consecrated in 2556 (2013). 2 pieces available. $60
百万龙王符管(铜片制,4寸)第四批 -
How to pray for lottery
Put takrut in a bowl of water and recite -
Arahang Tipajakkung Wisothayi Arahang Bang Gert" (3x),
then pray for the Naga
king to give you lucky numbers.
After that burn 3 candles over the bowl and
meditate on the mantra -
"Nachaliti Chalitina Litinacha Tinachali"
Watch for the wax dripping into the water to form the desired
This is my collection of Thai and Chinese Buddhist amulets and images. Those who are interested in chowing can email me at waynew31@gmail.com or call me at +6594594897 or +66619921622. My shop address is at People's Park Centre, 101 Upper Cross St, #03-02, Singapore 058357. Shop closed from 26/06/2017. Will be open on 7-9/07/2017 for 3 days mass clearance sales, after which will be permanently closed. Pls come and support.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Prakam Lek Nampi 南劈铁念珠
Prakam Lek Nampi (Lek Nampi powder material) Racha Chok
batch from LP Simpli of Wat Pah Wichai, Loei. These 108 chanting beads are made
from lek nampi powder and coated with lacquer. LP Simpli, a disciple of both LP
Mun and LP Thep Lok Udon, is a miraculous forest monk who although already 118
yrs old, looks like he is only 60. It is said he started returning back to youth
at 95 yrs old. Excellent for boosting luck, energy, wealth and deflection of all
danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 2 strings available. $60
each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
南劈铁念珠(南劈铁粉制)王运批 - 出自龙普新披利,芭威猜寺,黎府。这108粒念珠是用南劈铁粉做成,然后上了漆。师父是龙普曼和龙普帖神僧之弟子,也是神奇的苦行僧。他虽然已经118岁高龄,但看起来只有60岁。据说他到95岁的时候就开始返老还童了。能增强运气、精神、财富及顶开一切危险。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2串。每串60元。
南劈铁念珠(南劈铁粉制)王运批 - 出自龙普新披利,芭威猜寺,黎府。这108粒念珠是用南劈铁粉做成,然后上了漆。师父是龙普曼和龙普帖神僧之弟子,也是神奇的苦行僧。他虽然已经118岁高龄,但看起来只有60岁。据说他到95岁的时候就开始返老还童了。能增强运气、精神、财富及顶开一切危险。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2串。每串60元。
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Palakit Ging Rak Sorn III 叠爱树枝阳神
Palakit Ging Rak Sorn III (Rak Sorn wood material, 2.5") batch
from LP Od of Wat Bang Muang, Nonthaburi. This palakit is hand carved, with
takrut inserted in the middle and Akaras drawn over. It is very difficult to
make, requiring LP to go to the forest to find a sky high Rak Sorn tree, give
offerings facing the east and then make holy water for 3 days. After he obtains
the branches, he then has to find a man with 8 wives to help him draw the Solot
Yants onto the takrut. Excellent for strong attraction, popularity, easily
finding love, wealth luck, good business sales and protection from all danger.
Consecrated in 2556 (2013). 2 pieces available. $50
each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
叠爱树枝阳神(叠爱木制, 2.5寸)- 出自龙婆喔,邦幕盎寺,暖武里府。此阳神是手雕出来的,中间塞了符管,周围画上符字。它是非常难制造的,因为需要师父到森林里去找一棵参天的叠爱树,面向东方做供养,然后在那里加持三天的圣水。得到树枝后,他还必需找一个有八个老婆的男子来帮他画十六天符印在符管上。能赐予强大魅力、人见人爱、容易寻得爱情、财运、好生意买卖及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2556(2013)年开光。有2支。每只50元。
Palakit Katha:
Gan Hak Ne Hak, I Sa Wa Ha Yak,
Hak Ne Hak Gan, Jong Mah Rak Long,
Jong Jit Dit Jai, Chang Rak Ngah,
Mae Rak Luk, Meuk Rak Goo,
Om Sawahom Dit (3 or 7x).
**LP said it is to be used with caution, not to be
chanted too often. User must also not commit sexual
misconduct and be responsible to one's own family**
叠爱树枝阳神(叠爱木制, 2.5寸)- 出自龙婆喔,邦幕盎寺,暖武里府。此阳神是手雕出来的,中间塞了符管,周围画上符字。它是非常难制造的,因为需要师父到森林里去找一棵参天的叠爱树,面向东方做供养,然后在那里加持三天的圣水。得到树枝后,他还必需找一个有八个老婆的男子来帮他画十六天符印在符管上。能赐予强大魅力、人见人爱、容易寻得爱情、财运、好生意买卖及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2556(2013)年开光。有2支。每只50元。
Palakit Katha:
Gan Hak Ne Hak, I Sa Wa Ha Yak,
Hak Ne Hak Gan, Jong Mah Rak Long,
Jong Jit Dit Jai, Chang Rak Ngah,
Mae Rak Luk, Meuk Rak Goo,
Om Sawahom Dit (3 or 7x).
**LP said it is to be used with caution, not to be
chanted too often. User must also not commit sexual
misconduct and be responsible to one's own family**
Grathang Rahu 9" 九寸罗睺香炉
Grathang Rahu 9" (Yellow copper material) Wai Kru 57 batch
from Luang Pern of Wat Kohong, Hatyai. Serial no 25. With 3 Rahu and 12 zodiac
animals, coiling around the urn. This is the most beautiful incense urn made by
Wat Kohong. Luang Pern is the brother and successor of Luang Nui, who is also
expert at inviting Jatukam for blessing. Excellent for changing bad luck into
good, prosperity, wealth and protection. Consecrated in 2557 (2014). $900.
九寸罗睺香炉(黄铜制)57拜师批 - 出自峦本,寇洪寺,合艾市。篇号25。香炉有3尊罗睺和12生肖来围绕。这是寇洪寺所出最漂亮的香炉。峦本是峦奴依的弟弟兼继承人,精通请天神泽度金下来加持的法门。能赐予转坏运为好运、兴旺、财富及保护。佛历2557(2014)年开光。900元。
九寸罗睺香炉(黄铜制)57拜师批 - 出自峦本,寇洪寺,合艾市。篇号25。香炉有3尊罗睺和12生肖来围绕。这是寇洪寺所出最漂亮的香炉。峦本是峦奴依的弟弟兼继承人,精通请天神泽度金下来加持的法门。能赐予转坏运为好运、兴旺、财富及保护。佛历2557(2014)年开光。900元。
Friday, May 29, 2015
LP Tuad 7" bucha 龙普托7寸金身
LP Tuad 7" bucha (Black bronze material, 11"x15") Song Nam
42 batch from CK Samphan of Wat Changhai, Pattani. With serial no and temple
code chopped at the base, which is decorated with AJ Tim's roop, 12 zodiac
animals, twin elephants and other forest animals. There is also an old rian
embedded below. This is the most beautiful LP Tuad bucha made in the late 90s.
Many top guru monks of the South were still around to bless this batch at that
time. Excellent for prosperity and protection from all danger. Mass chanted in
2542 (1999). $880. Sold. Thks for support!
龙普托7寸金身(黑铜制,11寸X15寸)42沐浴批 - 出自昭坤三潘,常亥寺,北大年府。基部盖有标记和篇号,莲座上有阿赞亭尊、12生肖、双象护法与其他树林动物来庄严。底下也塞有旧铜牌。这是90年代尾最漂亮的龙普托供奉型。当时许多泰南高僧仍在场加持这批牌和金身。能赐予兴旺及在一切危险之中得到峦普的庇护。佛历2542(1999)年大念经开光。880元。
龙普托7寸金身(黑铜制,11寸X15寸)42沐浴批 - 出自昭坤三潘,常亥寺,北大年府。基部盖有标记和篇号,莲座上有阿赞亭尊、12生肖、双象护法与其他树林动物来庄严。底下也塞有旧铜牌。这是90年代尾最漂亮的龙普托供奉型。当时许多泰南高僧仍在场加持这批牌和金身。能赐予兴旺及在一切危险之中得到峦普的庇护。佛历2542(1999)年大念经开光。880元。
LP Simpli Amulet Set II 龙普新披利牌配套
LP Simpli Amulet Set II (Mineral powder and Holy powder
material) Racha Chok batch from LP Simpli of Wat Pah Wichai, Loei. This new set
consist of his locket, with Rae Palang Gai mineral powder and other good stuff
embedded behind; Nang Aspara, Phaya Nak Setthi and Somdej Waek Man amulets. LP
Simpli, a disciple of both LP Mun and LP Thep Lok Udon, is a miraculous forest
monk who although already 118 yrs old, looks like he is only 60. It is said he
started returning back to youth at 95 yrs old. Excellent for boosting wealth
luck, energy, health, virility, attraction and protection from all danger.
Consecrated in 2558 (2015). $120.
龙普新披利牌配套(矿粉与圣粉制)王运批 - 出自龙普新披利,芭威猜寺,黎府。这新的配套包括他的法相,后面塞增体力矿粉和其他好料;还有爱天女牌、龙王财主牌及开帘颂德牌。师父是龙普曼和龙普帖神僧之弟子,也是神奇的苦行僧。他虽然已经118岁高龄,但看起来只有60岁。据说他到95岁的时候就开始返老还童了。能增强财运、精神、健康、壮阳、魅力及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。120元。
龙普新披利牌配套(矿粉与圣粉制)王运批 - 出自龙普新披利,芭威猜寺,黎府。这新的配套包括他的法相,后面塞增体力矿粉和其他好料;还有爱天女牌、龙王财主牌及开帘颂德牌。师父是龙普曼和龙普帖神僧之弟子,也是神奇的苦行僧。他虽然已经118岁高龄,但看起来只有60岁。据说他到95岁的时候就开始返老还童了。能增强财运、精神、健康、壮阳、魅力及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。120元。
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Roop Maha Setthi Nawagot II 九面财佛尊
Roop Maha Setthi Nawagot II (Gelaithong material) from LP Jom
of Wat Pah Ban Dondoo, Amnat Jaren. With kring inside, temple code and serial no
chopped below. LP Jom is a deeply respected Forest Monk living in the frontier
province bordering with Laos. He is 95 yrs old this year and has learned from
great masters such as LP Mun, LP Khao and LP Waen. Excellent for all around
Metta, wealth attraction, influence, career, good luck, good business and
protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). $40. SOLD. Thks for support!
九面财佛尊(镀金制)- 出自龙普宗,芭半东度寺,安納乍能府。内有铃珠,底下盖有标记和篇号。龙普乃是居住在泰寮边境背受尊崇的森林苦行僧,今年已经95岁。他曾经追随龙普曼、龙普考和龙普威银学法。能赐予全面人缘、财富、影响力、事业、好运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2555 (2012)年开光。40元。
Phra Setthi Nawagot Katha:
Namo Tassa (3x)
Makayo Mawayo Maihang Majakoji Upattawo
Tanya Tharani Pawassantu Thananchai
Yassa Yathakare Suwannani Hirannya
Ja Sappapoka Ja Rattana Pawassantu Me
Ewang Kare Sumana Chatisassa
Ja Anatabinthika Menathi Gassa
Chotika Sumangkalassa
Ja Manthatu Wessanta Rassa
Pawassanti Yathakare Etena Sajja Wacchena
Sappasitthi Phawantume.
**Can also used to bless water for good sales**
九面财佛尊(镀金制)- 出自龙普宗,芭半东度寺,安納乍能府。内有铃珠,底下盖有标记和篇号。龙普乃是居住在泰寮边境背受尊崇的森林苦行僧,今年已经95岁。他曾经追随龙普曼、龙普考和龙普威银学法。能赐予全面人缘、财富、影响力、事业、好运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2555 (2012)年开光。40元。
Phra Setthi Nawagot Katha:
Namo Tassa (3x)
Makayo Mawayo Maihang Majakoji Upattawo
Tanya Tharani Pawassantu Thananchai
Yassa Yathakare Suwannani Hirannya
Ja Sappapoka Ja Rattana Pawassantu Me
Ewang Kare Sumana Chatisassa
Ja Anatabinthika Menathi Gassa
Chotika Sumangkalassa
Ja Manthatu Wessanta Rassa
Pawassanti Yathakare Etena Sajja Wacchena
Sappasitthi Phawantume.
**Can also used to bless water for good sales**
Locket LP Simpli 龙普新披利法相
Locket LP Simpli (Mineral powder and Clay material) Racha
Chok batch from LP Simpli of Wat Pah Wichai, Loei. With Rae Palang Gai mineral
powder, Sivali roop, 2 takruts, seal and LP's hairs embedded behind. LP Simpli,
a disciple of both LP Mun and LP Thep Lok Udon, is a miraculous forest monk who
although already 118 yrs old, looks like he is only 60. It is said he started
returning back to youth at 95 yrs old. Excellent for boosting wealth luck,
energy, health, virility and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2558
(2015). 4 pieces available. $60
龙普新披利法相(矿粉与陶瓷制)王运批 - 出自龙普新披利,芭威猜寺,黎府。后面塞有增体力矿粉、西瓦利尊、2支符管、封印和师父毛发。师父是龙普曼和龙普帖神僧之弟子,也是神奇的苦行僧。他虽然已经118岁高龄,但看起来只有60岁。据说他到95岁的时候就开始返老还童了。能增强财运、精神,健康、壮阳及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有4粒。每粒60元。
Katha Mahasetthi LP Simpli:
Namo Tassa (3x), think of LP, then chant -
Tua Kah Luk Phra Putta Ong,
Kru Sit Kru Thong, Ong At Mai Pramat Kru,
Pob Roy Gom Doo, Jer Kru Grap Wai,
I Mak Mak Mah Mah Ma Ah U,
Ehi Jittang Piyang Mak Mak,
Poo Kon Lai Mah, Ngern Thong Lai Mah,
Na Cha Li Ti (12x daily in the morning and night).
龙普新披利法相(矿粉与陶瓷制)王运批 - 出自龙普新披利,芭威猜寺,黎府。后面塞有增体力矿粉、西瓦利尊、2支符管、封印和师父毛发。师父是龙普曼和龙普帖神僧之弟子,也是神奇的苦行僧。他虽然已经118岁高龄,但看起来只有60岁。据说他到95岁的时候就开始返老还童了。能增强财运、精神,健康、壮阳及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有4粒。每粒60元。
Katha Mahasetthi LP Simpli:
Namo Tassa (3x), think of LP, then chant -
Tua Kah Luk Phra Putta Ong,
Kru Sit Kru Thong, Ong At Mai Pramat Kru,
Pob Roy Gom Doo, Jer Kru Grap Wai,
I Mak Mak Mah Mah Ma Ah U,
Ehi Jittang Piyang Mak Mak,
Poo Kon Lai Mah, Ngern Thong Lai Mah,
Na Cha Li Ti (12x daily in the morning and night).
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Phra Khun Paen Kaew Mani Chot Set II 摩尼宝坤平配套
Phra Khun Paen Kaew Mani Chot Set II (Prai Kanya powder
material) from PT Nong, Wat Pho Kaew, Krabi. With silver takrut, temple code and
serial no embedded behind. This KP set is made using LP Ya Kun Jun's famous Prai
Kanya powder, which contains the bone ash of virgin lady Mae Nit. This is
another popular batch that was sold out very soon. Excellent for strong
attractiveness, wealth attraction, good luck, good business and protection from
all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 4 sets available. $120,
摩尼宝坤平配套(派堪雅粉制)- 出自婆叹浓,剖窍寺,甲米府。后面塞有银符管、标记和篇号。此坤平是用龙婆亚坤尊闻名的派堪雅粉混合制成、也就是纯洁圣女咩逆的骨灰粉。这是另外一批很受欢迎的坤平、在短时间内就被一扫而空。能赐予强大魅力、财富、好运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有4套。120元, 130元。
摩尼宝坤平配套(派堪雅粉制)- 出自婆叹浓,剖窍寺,甲米府。后面塞有银符管、标记和篇号。此坤平是用龙婆亚坤尊闻名的派堪雅粉混合制成、也就是纯洁圣女咩逆的骨灰粉。这是另外一批很受欢迎的坤平、在短时间内就被一扫而空。能赐予强大魅力、财富、好运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有4套。120元, 130元。
Phra Khun Paen Kaew Mani Chot Set 摩尼宝坤平配套
Phra Khun Paen Kaew Mani Chot Set (Prai Kanya powder
material) from PT Nong, Wat Pho Kaew, Krabi. With copper takrut, temple code and
serial no embedded behind. This KP set is made using LP Ya Kun Jun's famous Prai
Kanya powder, which contains the bone ash of virgin lady Mae Nit. This is
another popular batch that was sold out very soon. Excellent for strong
attractiveness, wealth attraction, good luck, good business and protection from
all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 4 sets available. $70
摩尼宝坤平配套(派堪雅粉制)- 出自婆叹浓,剖窍寺,甲米府。后面塞有铜符管、标记和篇号。此坤平是用龙婆亚坤尊闻名的派堪雅粉混合制成、也就是纯洁圣女咩逆的骨灰粉。这是另外一批很受欢迎的坤平、在短时间内就被一扫而空。能赐予强大魅力、财富、好运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有4套。每套70元。
摩尼宝坤平配套(派堪雅粉制)- 出自婆叹浓,剖窍寺,甲米府。后面塞有铜符管、标记和篇号。此坤平是用龙婆亚坤尊闻名的派堪雅粉混合制成、也就是纯洁圣女咩逆的骨灰粉。这是另外一批很受欢迎的坤平、在短时间内就被一扫而空。能赐予强大魅力、财富、好运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有4套。每套70元。
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Phra Khun Paen Plai Kaew Set 派窍坤平配套
Phra Khun Paen Plai Kaew Set (Prai Kanya powder material)
from Wat Kae, Suphanburi. With temple chop and code behind. This KP set is made
using LP Ya Kun Jun's famous Prai Kanya powder, which contains the bone ash of
virgin lady Mae Nit. Several top guru monks like LP Ruay, LP Perm and LP Surasak
helped to bless this batch of KP, which was sold out within 3 days. Excellent
for strong attractiveness, wealth attraction, good luck, good business and
protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2557 (2014). $80. SOLD. Thks for support!
派窍坤平配套(派堪雅粉制)- 出自骑寺,素攀府。后面盖有庙印和标记。此坤平是用龙婆亚坤尊闻名的派堪雅粉混合制成、也就是纯洁圣女咩逆的骨灰粉。数位出名的高僧如龙婆瑞、龙婆喷和龙婆素拉萨也帮忙加持这批坤平。而此批在3天内就已经被一扫而空。能赐予强大魅力、财富、好运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2557(2014)年开光。80元。
派窍坤平配套(派堪雅粉制)- 出自骑寺,素攀府。后面盖有庙印和标记。此坤平是用龙婆亚坤尊闻名的派堪雅粉混合制成、也就是纯洁圣女咩逆的骨灰粉。数位出名的高僧如龙婆瑞、龙婆喷和龙婆素拉萨也帮忙加持这批坤平。而此批在3天内就已经被一扫而空。能赐予强大魅力、财富、好运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2557(2014)年开光。80元。
Roop Gob Kin Tawan 食日蛙尊
Roop Gob Kin Tawan (Mekasit material) from KB Or of Samnak
Song Doy Jom Waek, Chiang Mai. Molded with Mekasit, with various Yants all over
the body. According to KB whoever worships this frog will be blessed with good
fortune. Excellent for main and side wealth attraction, change bad luck into
good, boost luck and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015).
$120. SOLD. Thks for support!
食日蛙尊(黑化合金制)- 出自古巴哦,袋宗威僧舍,清迈府。此尊用化合金铸成,身上有数种符印。据师父所说谁崇拜此神蛙都会得到福气。能赐予正偏财、转坏运为好运、起运及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。120元。
Katha Gob:
Ut It Ang, Ut Ang Ah It, Mi Ah Mi (7x).
食日蛙尊(黑化合金制)- 出自古巴哦,袋宗威僧舍,清迈府。此尊用化合金铸成,身上有数种符印。据师父所说谁崇拜此神蛙都会得到福气。能赐予正偏财、转坏运为好运、起运及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。120元。
Katha Gob:
Ut It Ang, Ut Ang Ah It, Mi Ah Mi (7x).
Monday, May 25, 2015
Roop Lor Phra Lersi Tafai IX 火眼仙师尊
Roop Lor Phra Lersi Tafai IX (Wan material) Ruamjai Saoha batch
by LP Promma of Wat Suan Hin, Ubon Rachathani. This batch is made with a mixture
of 108 types of Wan powder and Lek Nampi powder, with tiny ruby embedded in
front. LP was one of the greatest Lersi Wicha Monks of the Northeast region
during the 1990s. Excellent for power, authority, guidance in wicha knowledge,
solving problems, protection from black magic and evil spirits. Consecrated in
2537 (1994). 5 pieces available. $60
each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
火眼仙师尊(药草粉制)韶哈批 - 出自峦普捧马,栓欣寺,乌汶府。此批是用108种药草粉和南劈铁粉混合而成,前面塞1粒迷你红宝石。峦普捧马是泰国东北部修仙法最闻名的大师之一,尤其是在九十年代的时候。能有效增强力量、威严、给予修法指导、解决困难及令一切降头与邪灵退散。佛历2537( 1994)年开光。有5粒。每粒60元。
火眼仙师尊(药草粉制)韶哈批 - 出自峦普捧马,栓欣寺,乌汶府。此批是用108种药草粉和南劈铁粉混合而成,前面塞1粒迷你红宝石。峦普捧马是泰国东北部修仙法最闻名的大师之一,尤其是在九十年代的时候。能有效增强力量、威严、给予修法指导、解决困难及令一切降头与邪灵退散。佛历2537( 1994)年开光。有5粒。每粒60元。
Roop Lor Phra Lersi Tafai VIII 火眼仙师尊
Roop Lor Phra Lersi Tafai VIII (Nawa material) Ruamjai Saoha
batch by LP Promma of Wat Suan Hin, Ubon Rachathani. With temple seal and serial
no chopped below. LP was one of the greatest Lersi Wicha Monks of the Northeast
region during the 1990s. Excellent for power, authority, guidance in wicha
knowledge, solving problems, protection from black magic and evil spirits.
Consecrated in 2537 (1994). 2 pieces available. $130
each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
火眼仙师尊(九宝铜制)韶哈批 - 出自峦普捧马,栓欣寺,乌汶府。底下印有篇号和标记。峦普捧马是泰国东北部修仙法最闻名的大师之一,尤其是在九十年代的时候。能有效增强力量、威严、给予修法指导、解决困难及令一切降头与邪灵退散。佛历2537( 1994)年开光。有2粒。每粒130元。
火眼仙师尊(九宝铜制)韶哈批 - 出自峦普捧马,栓欣寺,乌汶府。底下印有篇号和标记。峦普捧马是泰国东北部修仙法最闻名的大师之一,尤其是在九十年代的时候。能有效增强力量、威严、给予修法指导、解决困难及令一切降头与邪灵退散。佛历2537( 1994)年开光。有2粒。每粒130元。
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