Friday, July 25, 2014

Rian LP Simpli Lang Dao Ut Rae 背塞矿峦普新披利牌

Rian LP Simpli Lang Dao Ut Rae (Yellow copper and Rae material) 118yrs old batch from LP Simpli of Wat Pah Wichai, Loei. With serial no and temple chop in front, Rae Perm Palang Gai mineral powder, wealth takrut, relics stones, LP's hairs and Jiworn cloth embedded behind. LP Simpli, a disciple of both LP Mun and LP Thep Lok Udon, is a miraculous forest monk who although already 118 yrs old, looks like he is only 60. It is said he started returning back to youth at 95 yrs old. Excellent for wealth attraction, boost luck, good business, boost energy, virility, strength and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2557 (2014). 2 pieces available. $80 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
背塞矿峦普新披利牌(黄铜和矿石粉制)118岁批 - 出自峦普新披利,芭威猜寺,黎府。前面盖有篇号和标记,后面塞增体力矿石粉、招财符管、舍利石、师父毛发和袈裟布。师父是峦普曼和峦普帖神僧之弟子,也是神奇的苦行僧。他虽然已经118岁高龄,但看起来只有60岁。据说他到95岁的时候就开始返老还童了。能赐予正偏财、起运、好生意、增强精神、壮阳、体力及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2557(2014)年开光。有2粒。每粒80元

Metta Kah Kai Chok Lap Katha:

Pho Awa Nitala, Ma Ah U Siwang Promma,
Manut Tang Lai Jittang Mani Mah Mah,
Manut Ying Chai Tang Lai Tua Tang Loka,
Mee Jit Mah Rak Goo Took Poo Took Kon,
U Ah Ma Gleun Gon Gan Mah,
Ah Ma U Ow Ngern Thong Kao Kong Mah,
Hai Goo Yang Mai Kad Sai,
I Ta Ka Ma, Pha Su U Cha (3x).

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