Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Chuchok Mahawet 丐神祝啄

Chuchok Mahawet (Mixed powder and soil material) Wai Kru 53 batch from LP Goy, Wat Kaodintai, Buri Ram. This Chuchok is made with Mai Takian powder, soil from 7 cemeteries and many other occult materials. With many Yants, Akaras and 3K takruts embedded behind. Much effort was put by LP into making this batch. LP Goy is the successor of LP Chuen Wat Tayee, master of the Khmer wicha. Excellent for Metta Saneh, side wealth attraction, fulfilling wishes, good luck, good business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2553 (2010). 2 pieces available. $60 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
丐神祝啄(圣粉与土制)53拜师批 - 出自峦珀该,考顶代寺,武里喃府。此牌是用古木粉、7个坟地之土和很多其他灵异材料混合而成。两边有许多符印符字,后面塞3支金银铜符管。峦珀花了不少精力去制造这批牌。师父是大意寺峦普趁的唯一传人,柬式法术之大师。能赐予异性缘、招偏财、满愿、好运、好生意及保护。佛历2553(2010)年开光。有2粒。每粒60元

Chuchok Katha:

Om Namo Pothisatto Ehi Mak Mak,
Na Mah Mi Mah, Maha Lapha (7x).

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