Friday, May 2, 2014

Phra Kring Jaosua 座山药师铃佛

Phra Kring Jaosua (Silver material) Saoha batch from AJ Kasem of Wat Muang, Ang Thong. Already placed inside Silver longya casing. With kring inside and 5 Buddha Yant engraved behind. AJ Kasem was the top young guru monk of the province during the 90s. Although young he had a deep knowledge of wicha and meditation, and was able to build up a large and majestic temple with a famous Buddhist theme park from almost nothing. AJ passed away in 2544 at the age of 56. Excellent for all round Metta, good health, good luck and protection from all danger. Consecrated on Saoha day in 2536 (1993). Rare and hard to find in market. $250. SOLD. Thks for support!
座山药师铃佛(银制) 韶哈批 - 出自阿赞卡贤,目旺寺,红统府。已装入彩色银壳。内有铃珠,背后刻有五佛符印。阿赞在九十年代是该府之第一年轻高僧。虽然年纪不大但他的法术和禅定功夫已相当高;而且能从几乎什么都没有建立起一间气派非凡的大寺庙和佛教公园。他在佛历2544年圆寂,享年56。能赐予全面人缘、健康、好运及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历 2536(1993)年韶哈日开光。很稀有和难在市场上看见。250元

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