Monday, May 12, 2014

Namdao Um Sap II 吸财葫芦

Namdao Um Sap II (Gourd material) from LP Boonmak, Wat Pho, Bangkok. With Rooster, Salika bird and many hand drawn Yants all around the gourd. LP Boonmak is famous for this Buddha face amulet and is one of the last disciples of LP Parn, LP Jong and LP Yee. He passed away in 2551 at the age of 79. Excellent for wealth attraction, good luck, good business and neutralizing all negative chi and danger. Most suitable for Fengshui application at home. Consecrated in 2550 (2007). 6 pieces available. $40 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
吸财葫芦(葫芦制)- 出自龙婆文玛,剖寺,曼谷。葫芦周围画上公鸡、妙音鸟和多种符印。师父的金面佛最出名,而他也是龙普班、龙普钟和龙普宜的最后弟子之一。他在2551年圆寂,享年79。能吸引财气、好运、好生意及化解各种煞气和危 险。最适合家宅风水运用。佛历2550(2007)年开光。有6个。每个40元

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