Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Rian LP Supot 5 Seua 龙婆素魄五虎牌

Rian LP Supot 5 Seua (Yellow and Red copper material) from LP Supot of Wat Si Songtham, Nakhon Sawan. With 5 tigers and many Yants at the front and back. LP Supot is one of the top guru monks of Nakhon Sawan today, famous for his wide wicha knowledge. Excellent for great power, authority, wealth, influence, warding off enemies, evil spirits, black magic and deflection of all danger. Most suitable for those born in year of Tiger, Pig, Horse and Dog. Consecrated in 2556 (2013). 2 pieces available. $50 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
龙婆素魄五虎牌(黄红铜制)- 出自龙婆素魄,席宋坛寺,那空沙旺府。牌的前后有5只老虎和许多符印。师父乃是该府当今之顶尖高僧,以他广泛的法术造诣而闻名。能赐予大力、威严、财富、影响力、使怨敌、邪灵、降头退避及顶开一切危险 。最适合肖虎、猪、马、狗之人。佛历2556(2013)年开光。有2粒,每粒50元

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