Thursday, December 19, 2013

Nakak Hua Seua 虎头壳牌

Nakak Hua Seua (Copper material) from LP Saithong, Wat Bot, Ayuttaya. Comes in normal and jumbo pims. At the front is a fully painted copper plate tiger head, with holy powder, Buddha, Phra Prom, spider roops, various takruts, gems, rice relics, LP's hairs and jiworn cloth embedded behind. LP Saithong is one of the 4 top masters of making Phra Prom amulets and takruts today. He is a direct disciple of LP Doo and LP See Wat Sakae. Excellent for great power, authority, wealth, influence, warding off enemies, evil spirits, black magic and deflection of all danger. Most suitable for those born in year of Tiger, Pig, Horse and Dog. Consecrated in 2556 (2013). 5 pieces available. $70, $130.
虎头壳牌(铜制)- 出自峦珀赛通,钵寺,大城府。有普通模和珍宝模。前面是完全上色的虎头铜壳,后面塞有圣粉、佛祖、梵天、蜘蛛牌、多支符管、宝石、米化石、师父毛发和袈裟布。师父乃是当今制造梵天牌和符管的四大高僧之一。他也是沙界寺峦珀度峦珀席之直系门徒。能赐予大力、威严、财富、影响力、使怨敌、邪灵、降头退避及顶开一切危险。最 适合肖虎、猪、马、狗之人。佛历2556(2013)年开光。有5粒,70元, 130元

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