Thursday, November 14, 2013

Takrut Hanuman Chern Thong 猴神挥令旗符管

Takrut Hanuman Chern Thong (Lead material, length 4") from LP Leua, Wat Khon Cha Ngok, Saraburi. Hand drawn by LP, coated with black lacquer and gold foil pasted on both ends. Already placed inside micron gold casing. This is a new takrut from LP that is derived from the Maha Prab. LP Leua is the top Yantra master of Saraburi today. Excellent for power, authority, leadership, influence, success, overcome obstacles, quick thinking and evasion of all danger. Best for those in leadership positions. Consecrated in 2556 (2013). Few pieces made. 2 pieces available. $300 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
猴神挥令旗符管(锡片制,长4寸)- 出自峦珀乐,孔差哦寺,北標府。全是师父手画,油上黑漆然后两端贴金箔。已装入镀金壳。这是师父新做的符管,其符法是从大降服演化出来的。峦珀乐可说是该府的符法第一高手。能赐予大力、大威德、领导能力、影响力、 成功、克服障碍、灵敏思维及避开一切危险。最适合那些在领导职位的人。佛历2556(2013)年开光。数量很少,有2支。每支300元

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