Saturday, November 9, 2013

Look Om Prong Fah 穿雾法丸

Look Om Prong Fah (Holy powder material) from LP Chao of Wat Huay Lamyai, Nakhon Sawan. This ball is made with Pong Maharaj powder, with takrut and saisin inserted in the middle. LP Chao an old guru monk of Nakhon Sawan is most famous for his wealth fetching divine rooster. Excellent for bestowing all round Metta, authority, prestige, influence, good luck and evasion of all danger. Consecrated in 2556 (2013). 2 pieces available. $35 each.
穿雾法丸(圣粉制)- 出自峦普朝,汇兰宰寺,那空沙旺府。此丸是用帝王圣粉所制成,中间塞有符管和经线。峦普是该府之老师父,而他的招财天鸡最有名。能赐予全面人缘、权威、贵气、影响力、好运及避开一切危险。佛历2556(2013)年开光。有2粒,每粒35元

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