Monday, September 9, 2013

Phra Lersi Narot 9" bucha 那洛仙师9寸金身

Phra Lersi Narot 9" bucha (Copper with Lek Lai material) from LP Moon, Wat Ban Jan, Si Saket. It is made with a mixture of copper and lek lai. With 2 tiger heads at the base and his look om, temple chop below. LP Moon the top guru monk of Si Saket passed away in 2546 at the age of 109. Excellent for bestowing Metta Saneh, Metta Mahaniyom, guidance in wicha, protection from black magic, evil spirits and all danger. Consecrated in 2543 (2000). Rare Lersi bucha from LP. $1200.
那洛仙师9寸金身(铜与流铁制)- 出自峦普闷,瓣沾寺,四色菊府。它是用黄铜和流铁混合而铸成的。金身坛部有两个虎头,底下塞有师父法丸和寺庙盖印。老师父乃是该府的顶尖高僧,在佛历2546年圆寂,享年109岁。能赐予异性缘、大众缘、法术指导、防御降头、邪灵及一切危险。佛历2543(2000)年开光。这是峦普稀有的仙人金身。1200元

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