Saturday, September 21, 2013

Lersi Yod Thong and Mahesuan 仙师旗顶佛和大自在佛

Lersi Yod Thong and Mahesuan (Nawa material) from LP Nong of Wat Wang Si Thong, Sakaew. Already encased in plastic. This is his old batch Lersi amulets. With serial no and temple chop in front. LP Nong is the top guru monk in Sakaew expert in Lersi and Deva wicha. He is most proficient inviting Lersi Tafai. Excellent for power, authority, guidance, success, defending against black magic, evil spirits and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2550 (2007). 2 pieces available. $120 each.
仙师旗顶佛和大自在佛(九宝铜制)- 出自峦普农,王席通寺,沙缴府。已包塑胶壳。这是他早期的仙师牌。前面印有篇号和寺庙标记。老师父是该府之第一高僧,精通仙人与天神法。他最厉害就是请火眼仙人。能赐予力量、威严、指导、成功、防御降头邪灵及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2550(2007)年开光。有2粒,每粒120元

Lersi Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Nama Sati Satawa
Isi Sitti Loka Natang
Anuttarang Isijak Pantanang
Satra Ahang Wantami Tang
Isi Sitti Wesak (3 or 7x).

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