Thursday, December 13, 2012

Takrut Pan Cheuk Lek 小金刚身符管

Takrut Pan Cheuk Lek (Lead foil material, length 1") from LP Tat of Wat Chai Nah, Petchaburi. Bound with brown thread. LP Tat is another top guru monk of Petchaburi who passed away in 2552 at the age of 77. He was best known for his powerful takruts, KP and Palakits. Excellent for power, invulnerablity and protection of all danger, most suitable for ladies and kids. Consecrated in 2548 (2005). 3 pieces available. $20 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
小金刚身符管(锡片制,长1寸)- 出自峦珀踏,猜那寺,佛丕府。符管用褐色线缠绑。峦珀是该府另外一位顶尖高僧,在佛历2552年圆寂,享年77岁。他最闻名的是威力强大的符管,坤平和阳神。能赐予力量、刀枪不入在一切危险中得到保护,最适合女人和小孩佩戴。佛历2548(2005)年开光。有3支,每支20元

**A true story to share: During one of the past Hatyai terrorist bomb attacks there were 2 Singaporeans being caught in the explosion at Lee Garden hotel. One of them who wore a normal Somdej escaped with his life, but was injured and sent to hospital. The other guy who wore LP Tat's takrut was also thrown off by the blast, but he was miraculously unharmed and did not need any medical attention. This is a testimonial to the powerful protective power of his takruts.**

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