Saturday, December 15, 2012

Roop Palakit Lek 小阳神

Roop Palakit Lek (Yellow copper material, length 1.25") from LP Yit of Wat Nong Jok, Prachuab Kirikan. This is his early batch palakit taken from temple. The late LP Yit was famous for making powerful Palakits that were "live" and able to move on its own. Excellent for Metta Saneh, Maha Niyom, business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2533 (1990). 2 pieces available. $80 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
小阳神(黄铜制,长1.25寸)- 出自峦珀易,农啄寺,班武里府。这是师父早期的阳神,从庙里请的。已圆寂的峦珀易最出名的就是他加持的阳神,有“生命”而且能自己移动。这些阳神能赐予异性缘、大众缘、好生意及避开一切危险。佛历2533(1990)年开光。有两支,每支80元

LP Yit Palakit Katha:

Ah Ha Ka Ta
Gan Ha Ne Ha,
Na Mo Put Ta Ya
Mae Ma Ah U (7x).

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