Sunday, November 18, 2012

Roop Chuchok Pak Daeng 红嘴丐神

Roop Chuchok Pak Daeng (Thongtip material) Wai Kru batch from LP Kui of Wat Sab Takian, Petchaboon. With red mouth and Yant engraved on its back. The 90yrs old LP Kui was a disciple of LP Tob Wat Chang Peuk, and well-known for his powerful wealth fetching amulets. He has passed away last year. Excellent for wealth attraction, business sales and granting of wishes. Consecrated in 2553 (2010). 2 pieces available. $50 each.
红嘴丐神(混合铜制)拜师批 - 出自峦普奎,撒塔乾寺,碧差汶府。嘴巴油上红色,背后有符印。90岁的峦普奎乃是常配寺峦珀朵之高徒,精通多种招财秘法。他去年尾已经圆寂。能有效招财、帮助买卖及实现愿望。佛历2553(2010)年开光。有两粒,每粒50元

Chuchok Katha:

Om Katesit Katesit Sitti Mang Mee (7x).

Use 16 joss sticks, sugar cane, bread, biscuits, milk to invite Chuchok for the first time. Recite the katha and make a wish for what you want.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

do you still have it? i want to buy你还有吗?我要购买