Thursday, November 22, 2012

Mai Kru Mahaprom 大梵天法杖

Mai Kru Mahaprom (Wood and Iron material, length 14") from AJ Heng, Wat Sakae, Ayuttaya. With hand carved Mahaprom head and various sacred kathas inscribed on the rod. This is an antique mai kru from AJ Heng, the top pre-WW2 white robe priest of Phra Prom wicha. He was the master of LP Doo and LP See. AJ Heng passed away in 2502 at the age of 75. Excellent for bestowing power, Metta, authority, good luck, summoning the gods, dispelling black magic, warding off evil spirits, enemies and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2484 (1941). $400. SOLD. Thks for support!
大梵天法杖(木与铁制,长14寸)- 出自阿赞兴,沙界寺,大城府。它的梵天头是手雕的,杖身刻有多个神圣经文。这是一支古董法杖,出自阿赞兴,是二战前该府第一白衣法师,精通梵天法术。他也是峦普度和峦普席的老师。阿赞在佛历2502年仙逝,享年75岁。能用来赐予力量、人缘、威严、增运、请神、解降头、令邪灵怨敌退避及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2484(1941)年开光。400元

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