Thursday, October 18, 2012

Takrut Trina Singhe II 毗沙门神符管

Takrut Trina Singhe II Special Pim (Lead material, length 3.25") from Ajarn Pon of Arsom Lersi Payakaraj, Bangkok. Bound with black thread and with gold foil pasted on it. This is the latest takrut from AJ. Inside is drawn the Yant of Wessuwan, as can be seen on the paper. For this special pim only 12 original pieces were made and AJ blessed them for a very long time. Excellent for power, authority, wealth attraction, good luck and protection against black magic, evil spirits and other danger. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). $150. SOLD. Thks for support!
毗沙门神符管 特别版(锡片制,长3.25寸)- 出自阿赞碰,虎仙舍,曼谷。此符管用黑线缠绑,中间贴了金箔。阿赞最新的作品。如纸上所显示,里面画的是毗沙门天的神符印。这个特别版只做了12支,而阿赞也加持了特别长的时间。能赐予力量、大威德、招财、带来好运及防止降头邪灵及其他危险入侵。佛历2555(2012)年开光。150元

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