Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Takrut Thanabodhi Setthi 檀越菩提富翁符管

Takrut Thanabodhi Setthi (Lead material, length 3") from LP Thon of Wat Khao Noi Kiriwan, Chonburi. Bound with red thread, with Yant Setthi 9 Nah drawn inside. LP Thon was a 89 yrs old guru monk who has a wide range of wicha knowledge. He passed away recently. Excellent for wealth attraction, influence, good luck, good business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2548 (2005). $50.
檀越菩提富翁符管(铅片制,长3寸)- 出自峦珀桐,考乃寺,春武里府。符管用红线缠绑,内画九面大富翁符印。峦珀桐是个89岁的老师父,精通多种法术。他不久前才圆寂。能给予财富、影响力、好运、好生意及保护。佛历2548( 2005)年开光。50元

Thanabodhi Setthi Katha:

U Ah Ka Sa
Ah Ka Sa U
Ka Sa U Ah
Sa U Ah Ka
Na Cha Li Ti (9x).

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