Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Takrut Narai Set 那莱符管配套

Takrut Narai Set (Silver and Lead foil material, length 5") from Ajarn Pon of Arsom Lersi Payakaraj, Bangkok. Already fitted into steel casing. The top one made of silver foil is known as "Narai Prab Non Took" meaning Phra Narai overcoming every obstacle in front of him. The below one made of lead is called "Jak Pet Narai" meaning the invincible Diamond Cakra of Narai. This is his divine weapon which once thrown, can cut anything in this world into 2. AJ said they can be used alone or together. If together the top one should be worn in front and below one worn behind. Excellent for great power, success, overcoming all obstacles, invulnerablity, changing bad luck into good and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). $120. SOLD. Thks for support!
那莱符管配套(银片和锡片制,长5寸)- 出自阿赞碰,虎仙舍,曼谷。已装入钢壳。上面那支称为“那莱征山”,意思是那莱能降服在他面前的任何障碍。下面那支叫做“那莱金轮”,就是那莱天神手上无坚不摧的金刚轮。此神兵一旦被掷出,可以将世上任何东西一切为二。阿赞说它们能单独或者一起使用。若是一起用则是上面那支带前面,下面那支带后面。能赐予强大的力量、成功、克服任何障碍、刀枪不入、将坏运转成好运及让一切危险不能近身。佛历2555(2012 )年开光。120元

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