Friday, April 20, 2012

Mitmor Arkom II 符录法刀

Mitmor Arkom II (Steel material, length 9") from LP Pathum of Wat Krua Tanoo, Suphanburi. With various hand-inscribed Yants and Akaras on the handle, blade and scabbard. LP Pathum is one of the top disciples of LP Doo Wat Saket, famous for his Deva amulets like Hanuman riding Singha, Phra Prom and others. Excellent for destroying black magic, vanquishing evil spirits and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2553 (2010). $160. SOLD. Thks for support!
符录法刀(钢铁制,长9寸) - 出自峦珀帕吞,夸塔弩寺,素攀府。它的刀身,刀柄和刀鞘都有师父手画符字与符印。峦珀帕吞是沙界寺峦珀度之高徒,善于制造天神牌,比如猴神骑狮和梵天神。能有效破除降头、消灭邪灵及避开一切危险。佛历2553(2010)年开光。160元

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