Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hin Phra That Phra Pajjek Puttajao 金刚舍利

Hin Phra That Phra Pajjek Puttajao (Stone Relic material) from Khao Sam Roi Yod, Prachuab Kirikhan. Comes with stainless steel casing, contains 3 pieces of Pacceka Buddha stone relics. These amulets are carved out of the sacred stone relics of Khao Sam Roi Yod mountain in Prachuab province. They possess powerful holy energy even without being blessed. Excellent for boosting luck, metta, health and protection from all danger. Also very good for granting of wishes and focusing the mind during meditation. Consecrated in 2554 (2011). $70. SOLD. Thks for support!
金刚舍利(舍利石制)- 出自三百峰山,班武里府。已装入不锈钢壳,内有3粒金刚舍利(据说是缘觉佛舍利石)。这些牌都是从三百峰山里的舍利石雕刻而成,就算没开光,它本身已经具备强大的神圣能量。能有效起运、增强人缘、健康及远离一切危险。作为帮助实现愿望和在打坐中让精神更集中的圣物也非常理想。佛历2554(2011)年开光。70元

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