Monday, February 21, 2011

Took Gae Mahalap bucha 招财蜥蜴

Restocked: Took Gae Mahalap bucha (Clay material, length 7.5" width 3") by LP Si Meung of Wat Kan Tod, Suphanburi. With gold foil and yants on the body. Great for business and good luck. Consecrated in 2552 (2009). 2 pieces available. $68 each.

Took Gae Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Itiwo Garaniyo Chato Buriso
Sana Sama Akaj Cheyya Akaj Chahi
Tiwattapo Akaj Chahi Piyang Mak Mak.

Offer one joss stick and one small glass of water to the gecko, before chanting the katha to activate it. After the joss stick finish burning, you can use the water to sprinkle on things u want to sell for good sales.

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