Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Roop Lor Phra Rahu 罗睺食日月

Roop Lor Phra Rahu 罗睺食日月 (Black bronze material) First batch by LP Jamlong of Wat Panom Yong, Ayuttaya. This is a combination of both the Rahu devouring Sun and Rahu devouring Moon. Great for removal of bad luck and protection against backstabbers. Consecrated in 2553 (2010). 2 pieces available. $20 each.

Rahu activation Katha:

Ehi Jakku Naliglow Suriya/ Jantra Prapha Rahu Kahah Satta
Ratana Sampanno Manichoti Rasoyatha Suwanna
Racchada Samiitah Ahang Wantami Mesatha (7x).

Regular katha to be chanted every morning or evening:

Gusedo mak mak Gusedo Doramo mak mak
Doramo Kuihamo mak mak
Kuihamo Kuttimo mak mak Kuttimo (3/7/108x).


Anonymous said...


Isnt Rahu (an Asura Lord). The Rahu devouring Suriya and Chandima is a Jataka story that tells how Buddha asked Rahu to release these two Deva. But why do the Buddhist actually worship Rahu?


Wayne Woo said...

In Thai Buddhism Rahu is believed to be a deity which can eat away bad luck and "little people". These are represented by the devas Suriya and Chandra, who reported Rahu trying to steal the nectar of immortality, causing him to be cut into half by Vishnu's Cakra.