Sunday, May 17, 2015

Nok Salika Koo Maha Saneh II 魅力双妙音鸟

Nok Salika Koo Maha Saneh II (Mixed Wan material) from LP Chuen of Wat Tayee, Buri Ram. Already placed in micron gold longya casing. With 2 green gems embedded in front, 2 silver takruts, 2 green gems and LP's hand drawn Yant behind. This legendary salika is one of the best in modern times. Devotees who have worshipped it before all swear by its powerful influence over others. The late LP was a famous expert in many Khmer wicha and also the master of LP Goy. Excellent for strong Metta Saneh, pleasant speech, charm, wealth attraction and good business sales. Consecrated in 2544 (2001). 2 pieces available. $200 each. Sold out. Thks for support! 
魅力双妙音鸟(混合药粉制)- 出自龙婆趁,大易寺,武里喃府。已装入彩色镀金壳。前面塞有2粒绿宝石,后面有2支银符管,绿宝石和师父手画符印。这传奇性的双鸟是近代最强的妙音鸟之一。所有崇拜过的信众都可以印证它对其他人那种超强的影响力。已过世的龙婆趁是个精通多种柬埔寨法术的高僧,也是当今龙婆盖的师父。能赐予极好的异性缘、口才、魅力、招财及招好生意。佛历2544(2001) 年开光。有2粒。每粒200元

Salika Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Ehi Salika Yang Yang Puttang,
Akaj Chahi Sariting Garanang,
Tawang Kawah,
Ehi Mak Mak Suwa Potako,
Ayang Racha Suwannak Wannah,
Salikanang Maho Sato,
Piyang Mak Mak (3 or 7x).

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