Saturday, May 30, 2015

Grathang Rahu 9" 九寸罗睺香炉

Grathang Rahu 9" (Yellow copper material) Wai Kru 57 batch from Luang Pern of Wat Kohong, Hatyai. Serial no 25. With 3 Rahu and 12 zodiac animals, coiling around the urn. This is the most beautiful incense urn made by Wat Kohong. Luang Pern is the brother and successor of Luang Nui, who is also expert at inviting Jatukam for blessing. Excellent for changing bad luck into good, prosperity, wealth and protection. Consecrated in 2557 (2014). $900.
九寸罗睺香炉(黄铜制)57拜师批 - 出自峦本,寇洪寺,合艾市。篇号25。香炉有3尊罗睺和12生肖来围绕。这是寇洪寺所出最漂亮的香炉。峦本是峦奴依的弟弟兼继承人,精通请天神泽度金下来加持的法门。能赐予转坏运为好运、兴旺、财富及保护。佛历2557(2014)年开光。900元

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