Thursday, February 21, 2013

Roop Phra Saeng Ahtit 日光佛

Roop Phra Saeng Ahtit (Red copper material) Serm Duang 56 batch from LP Phon of Wat Intaram, Ayuttaya. With temple chop at the base and Pong Samret powder stuffed below. LP Phon is a guru monk expert in luck boosting and luck changing wicha. Excellent for all around metta, boosting luck, success and deflection of all danger, especially for those born in the night or whose Bazi is too cold and need Sunlight, heat and fire to balance up. Consecrated in 2556 (2013). 3 pieces available. $40 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
日光佛(红铜制)补运56批 - 出自峦珀蓬,因塔兰寺,大城府。后面基部盖有寺庙标记,底下塞有成功圣粉。师父是一位精通补运和改运法术的大师。能赐予全面人缘、起运、成功及顶开一切危险,尤其适合在晚上出生或八字太寒,需要阳光、火和热来调候之人。佛历2556(2013)年开光。有3粒,每粒40元

Phra Saeng Ahtit Katha:

Eka Jakku Naliglow Suriya Prapha Rahu Kahah
Satta Ratana Sampanno Manichoti Raso Yatha
Suwanna Racchada Samitta Ahang Wantami Mesatha
Guseto Mak Mak Guseto Toramo Mak Mak
Toramo Kuihamo Mak Mak
Kuihamo Kuttimo Mak Mak Kuttimo (3x).

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