Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Phra Rahu Gela 椰壳罗睺

Phra Rahu Gela (Coconut shell material) Serm Duang 56 batch from LP Phon of Wat Intaram, Ayuttaya. With holy powder, 5 takruts, rice relic and gem fragment embedded behind. LP Phon is a guru monk expert in luck boosting and luck changing wicha. Excellent for eating away of bad luck, negative influences, backstabbers and evasion of all danger, especially for those who clash with Taisui this year (Snake, Pig, Monkey, Tiger). Consecrated in 2556 (2013). 2 pieces available. $40 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
椰壳罗睺(椰壳制)补运56批 - 出自峦珀蓬,因塔兰寺,大城府。后面塞有圣粉、5支符管、米化石和宝石碎。师父是一位精通补运和改运法术的大师。能吃掉霉运、煞气、小人及避开一切危险,尤其是今年冲犯太岁之人(蛇、猪、猴、虎)。佛历2556(2013)年开光。有2粒,每粒40元

Phra Rahu Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Kinnusan Talamano Warahu Suriyan Jantang
Pamut Jasit Sangwi Karupo Akam Mapito Sitti
Sattatha Mepaleh Mujatha Chiwanto
Na Sukang Laphe Putta Katha Pichito Mahino
Jey Mutto Jeyya Suriyan Ti Jantima Ti (3x, 9x or your age plus 1).

When praying to Phra Rahu for the first time, use 12 black joss sticks (represent 12 zodiac animals), offer black drink (black coffee or stout), black food and garland of flowers. Recite the katha, then pray for bad luck and negative things for the year to be eaten by Rahu.

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