Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Phra Pidta Mekkapat 化合金掩面佛

Phra Pidta Mekkapat (Mekkapat material) Moon Ngern Moon Thong 59 batch from Wat Ban Jan, Si Saket. With serial no and batch name engraved behind, holy powder inserted below. Each piece comes with free Phayant of Hanuman Kee Sing. LP Moon the top guru monk and Arahant of Si Saket passed away in 2546 at the age of 109. This batch is blessed by his top disciples along with many other guru monks. Excellent for power, authority, success, main and side wealth, invulnerability and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2559 (2016). 2 pieces available. $60 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
化合金掩面佛(黑化合金制)转银转金59批 - 出自瓣沾寺,四色菊府。后面刻有篇号和批名,底下塞圣粉。每粒附送一张猴神骑狮布符。老师父乃是该府的顶尖高僧与阿罗汉,在佛历2546年圆寂,享年109岁。这批牌是由他的大弟子连同其他多位高僧一起加持的。能赐予力量、威严、成功、正财偏财、刀枪不入及顶开一切危险。佛历2559(2016)年开光。有2粒。每粒60元

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