Tuesday, December 29, 2015

LP Waen 5" bucha 龙普威恩5寸供奉型

LP Waen 5" bucha (Resin material) 108yrs old anniversary batch from Wat Doy Mae Pang, Chiang Mai. This batch of buchas was made by the temple to commemorate his 108th birthday, 10yrs after he passed away in 1985 at the age of 98. LP is a famous Arahant disciple of LP Mun and one of the guru monks most respected by HM the King. Excellent for guidance, prosperity and protection. Mass chanted in 2535 (1992). $150.
龙普威恩5寸供奉型(塑料制)108岁纪念批 - 出自队咩旁寺,清迈府。这批供奉型是寺庙在龙普圆寂后10年为了纪念他108岁诞辰而制造的。龙普在1985年圆寂,享年98。他是龙普曼修成阿罗汉的顶尖弟子,也是泰王最尊敬的高僧之一。能赐予指导、兴旺及保护。佛历2535(1992)年大念经。150元

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