Thursday, December 31, 2015

Nylon Amulet Necklace 尼龙佛牌项链

Nylon Amulet Necklace - Hand weaved, with multi colored nylon strings. Suitable for hanging 1-3 amulets. 3 pieces available. $15 each.
尼龙佛牌项链 - 手织,用彩色的尼龙线织成。适合吊1-3粒牌。有3条。每条15元

Coconut Husk Beads Amulet Necklace 椰壳珠佛牌项链

Coconut Husk Beads Amulet Necklace - Hand made, with disc shaped black coconut husk beads and joints. Suitable for hanging 1 amulet. Good for combination with Rahu amulets. $50.
椰壳珠佛牌项链 - 手制,用黑色的碟型椰壳珠和接头。适合吊1粒牌。据说配合罗睺牌很好。50元

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Chuchok Perm Poon Sap 积财祝啄

Chuchok Perm Poon Sap (Bailan material) from LP Sompong of Wat Mai Pin Klaew, Nakhon Pathom. With 5 Buddha Yant behind. This is LP's old batch powder Chuchok. LP Sompong is a disciple of both LP Sa Ngah and LP Sawai. He is now known to be one of the top master of Chuchok amulets in Thailand today. Many devotees who had no luck in their business experience a 360 degree change after chowing and worshipping LP's Chuchok. Excellent for main and side wealth, boost luck, wish fulfillment, good business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2550 (2007). 2 pieces available. $40 each.
积财祝啄(贝叶经粉制)- 出自龙婆宋碰,迈宾轿寺,佛统府。后面有5佛符印。这是龙婆早期的祝啄粉牌。师父是龙婆萨阿和龙婆撒外的徒弟。他被誉为泰国当今制造祝啄牌的顶尖大师之一。许多信徒本来生意没起色,但请了他的祝啄来崇拜之后,就出现了360度的转变。能赐予正财偏财、起运、满愿、好生意买卖及保护。佛历2550(2007)年开光。有2粒。每粒40元

Chuchok Katha:

Iti Sukato Chana Supo,
Chuchako Sukato Iti (5x).

*Pray with 5 joss sticks, sweet biscuits,
cakes and soft drinks*

Rian Chuchok Kumaro Kumari 祝啄双古曼牌

Rian Chuchok Kumaro Kumari (3K material) from LP Sompong of Wat Mai Pin Klaew, Nakhon Pathom. With temple code chopped in front and serial no chopped behind. This is LP's popular old batch Chuchok Rian. LP Sompong is a disciple of both LP Sa Ngah and LP Sawai. He is now known to be one of the top master of Chuchok amulets in Thailand today. Many devotees who had no luck in their business experience a 360 degree change after chowing and worshipping LP's Chuchok. Excellent for main and side wealth, boost luck, wish fulfillment, good business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2549 (2006). 2 pieces available. $50 each.
祝啄双古曼牌(金银铜制)- 出自龙婆宋碰,迈宾轿寺,佛统府。前面盖有寺庙标记,后面盖篇号。这是龙婆早期受欢迎的祝啄铜牌。师父是龙婆萨阿和龙婆撒外的徒弟。他被誉为泰国当今制造祝啄牌的顶尖大师之一。许多信徒本来生意没起色,但请了他的祝啄来崇拜之后,就出现了360度的转变。能赐予正财偏财、起运、满愿、好生意买卖及保护。佛历2549(2006)年开光。有2粒。每粒50元

Chuchok Katha:

Iti Sukato Chana Supo,
Chuchako Sukato Iti (5x).

*Pray with 5 joss sticks, sweet biscuits,
cakes and soft drinks*

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

LP Waen 5" bucha 龙普威恩5寸供奉型

LP Waen 5" bucha (Resin material) 108yrs old anniversary batch from Wat Doy Mae Pang, Chiang Mai. This batch of buchas was made by the temple to commemorate his 108th birthday, 10yrs after he passed away in 1985 at the age of 98. LP is a famous Arahant disciple of LP Mun and one of the guru monks most respected by HM the King. Excellent for guidance, prosperity and protection. Mass chanted in 2535 (1992). $150.
龙普威恩5寸供奉型(塑料制)108岁纪念批 - 出自队咩旁寺,清迈府。这批供奉型是寺庙在龙普圆寂后10年为了纪念他108岁诞辰而制造的。龙普在1985年圆寂,享年98。他是龙普曼修成阿罗汉的顶尖弟子,也是泰王最尊敬的高僧之一。能赐予指导、兴旺及保护。佛历2535(1992)年大念经。150元

Monday, December 28, 2015

Jaosua Khun Chang Maha Setthi 坤常大财主座山

Jaosua Khun Chang Maha Setthi (Holy powder material) Duang Maha Setthi batch from LP Sompong of Wat Mai Pin Klaew, Nakhon Pathom. With 2 gems embedded in front, 3 takruts behind. LP Sompong is a disciple of both LP Sa Ngah and LP Sawai. He is now known to be one of the top master of Chuchok amulets in Thailand today. Many devotees who had no luck in their business experience a 360 degree change after chowing and worshipping LP's Chuchok. His Khun Chang is just as effective as his Chuchok as well. Excellent for main and side wealth, boost luck, prosperity, good business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2554 (2011). 2 pieces available. $50 each.
坤常大财主座山(圣粉制)大财主运批 - 出自龙婆宋碰,迈宾轿寺,佛统府。前面塞2粒宝石,后面塞3支符管。师父是龙婆萨阿和龙婆撒外的徒弟。他被誉为泰国当今制造祝啄牌的顶尖大师之一。许多信徒本来生意没起色,但请了他的祝啄来崇拜之后,就出现了360度的转变。而他的坤常跟祝啄一样的有效。能赐予正财偏财、起运、兴旺、好生意买卖及保护。佛历2554(2011)年开光。有2粒。每粒50元

KC Katha:

Na Riak Ngern,
Mo Riak Thong,
Put Riak Khao,
Tha Riak Kong,
Ya Lai Mah Gong,
Ngern Thong Lai Mah,
Khun Chang Nam Mah,
Akaj Chahi, Na Ma Pa Ta (3x).

Tiger Eye Beads Amulet Choker 虎眼石佛牌短项链

Tiger Eye Beads Amulet Choker - Hand made, with red or brown tiger eye beads and stainless steel joints. Suitable for hanging 2 amulets, front and back. Said to be excellent for healing, strengthen the eyes and throat, courage and confidence. 2 pieces available. $40 each.
虎眼石佛牌短项链 - 手制,用红或褐色的虎眼石珠和不锈钢接头。适合吊2粒牌,一前一后。据说有助与治疗创伤、增强眼喉功能、给予勇气和信心。有2条。每条40元

Elephant Bone Amulet Necklace II 象骨佛牌项链

Elephant Bone Amulet Necklace II - With Lersi head ring, full bone beads and bone joints. Suitable for hanging 1 amulet. Said to be excellent for power, authority, success, endurance and protection. 2 pieces available. Short $50 Long $60.
象骨佛牌项链 - 有鲁士头圈,全部用骨珠子和骨接头。适合吊1粒牌。据说能赐予力量、威严、成功、耐力及保护。有2条。短50元 长60元

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Elephant Bone Amulet Necklace 象骨佛牌项链

Elephant Bone Amulet Necklace - With elephant head ring, full bone beads and bone joints. Suitable for hanging 1 amulet. Said to be excellent for power, authority, success, endurance and protection. 2 pieces available. Short $50 Long $60.
象骨佛牌项链 - 有象头圈,全部用骨珠子和骨接头。适合吊1粒牌。据说能赐予力量、威严、成功、耐力及保护。有2条。短50元 长60元

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Tourmaline Beads Amulet Choker 电器石佛牌短项链

Tourmaline Beads Amulet Choker - Hand made, with black tourmaline beads and stainless steel joints. Suitable for hanging up to 3 amulets. Said to be excellent for purging evil spirits, black magic and negative chi from the body. 2 pieces available. $40 each.
电器石佛牌短项链 - 手制,用黑色的电器石珠和不锈钢接头。适合吊1-3粒牌。据说有强力的驱邪灵、降头及煞气的功能。有2条。每条40元

Agate Beads Amulet Choker 玛瑙佛牌短项链

Agate Beads Amulet Choker - Hand made, with black agate beads and stainless steel joints. Suitable for hanging 2 amulets, front and back. Said to strengthen the health for females and purge poison and negative chi from the body. $40.
玛瑙佛牌短项链 - 手制,用黑色的玛瑙珠和不锈钢接头。适合吊2粒牌,一前一后。据说对女人的健康很好,帮助排毒和浊气。40元

Dzi Beads Amulet Choker 天珠佛牌短项链

Dzi Beads Amulet Choker - Hand made, with black and white Tibetan Dzi beads and stainless steel joints. Suitable for hanging up to 5 amulets. Possesses strong boosting luck and energy properties. $80.
天珠佛牌短项链 - 手制,用黑白色的西藏天珠和不锈钢接头。适合吊1-5粒牌。拥有很强的起运和增加能量功能。80元

Friday, December 25, 2015

Poo Chuchok Mahalap Rae 矿石大富祝啄

Poo Chuchok Mahalap Rae (Rae Lai Dam material) from LP Sompong of Wat Mai Pin Klaew, Nakhon Pathom. Already encased in plastic, with Na Yant drawn behind. This Chuchok is made from a special black mineral with magical power. LP Sompong is a disciple of both LP Sa Ngah and LP Sawai. He is now known to be one of the top master of Chuchok amulets in Thailand today. Many devotees who had no luck in their business experience a 360 degree change after chowing and worshipping LP's Chuchok. Excellent for main and side wealth, boost luck, wish fulfillment, good business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 2 pieces available. $70 each. Sold out. Thks for support! 
矿石大富祝啄(黑流矿制)- 出自龙婆宋碰,迈宾轿寺,佛统府。已包防水壳,后面画了纳符印。此祝啄是用一种特殊有法力的黑流矿所铸成。师父是龙婆萨阿和龙婆撒外的徒弟。他被誉为泰国当今制造祝啄牌的顶尖大师之一。许多信徒本来生意没起色,但请了他的祝啄来崇拜之后,就出现了360度的转变。能赐予正财偏财、起运、满愿、好生意买卖及保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2粒。每粒70元

Chuchok Katha:

Iti Sukato Chana Supo,
Chuchako Sukato Iti (5x).

*Pray with 5 joss sticks, sweet biscuits,
cakes and soft drinks*

Poo Chuchok small bucha 小供奉型丐神祝啄

Poo Chuchok small bucha (Bronze material, 1"x3") Perm Poon Sap batch from LP Sompong of Wat Mai Pin Klaew, Nakhon Pathom. Base is filled with plaster. LP Sompong is a disciple of both LP Sa Ngah and LP Sawai. He is now known to be one of the top master of Chuchok amulets in Thailand today. Many devotees who had no luck in their business experience a 360 degree change after chowing and worshipping LP's Chuchok. Excellent for main and side wealth, boost luck, wish fulfillment, good business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2557 (2014). 2 pieces available. $70 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
小供奉型丐神祝啄(黑铜制, 1寸x3寸)积财批 - 出自龙婆宋碰,迈宾轿寺,佛统府。底部已塞满石膏。师父是龙婆萨阿和龙婆撒外的徒弟。他被誉为泰国当今制造祝啄牌的顶尖大师之一。许多信徒本来生意没起色,但请了他的祝啄来崇拜之后,就出现了360度的转变。能赐予正财偏财、起运、满愿、好生意买卖及保护。佛历2557(2014)年开光。有2尊。每尊70元

Chuchok Katha:

Iti Sukato Chana Supo,
Chuchako Sukato Iti (5x).

*Pray with 5 joss sticks, sweet biscuits,
cakes and soft drinks*

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Hoon Payon Fang Athan 灵异稻草魂魄勇

Hoon Payon Fang Athan (Straw material) Kathin 58 batch from AJ Liang, Wat Jom Ket, Ayuttaya. Already encased in plastic. Made from straw mats used to wrap corpses and bound with Saisin. AJ Liang is an upcoming star master famous for his KP, Jingjok, HPY and Sakyants. He has quite a following in Ayuttaya and Bkk. His HPY is made according to the wicha of HPY grandmaster AJ Pee. Excellent as a bodyguard and watchman, attracting wealth and providing protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 3 pieces available. $70 each.
灵异稻草魂魄勇(稻草制)58卡廷批 - 出自阿赞梁,宗客寺,大城府。已包防水壳。此魂魄勇是用裹尸体的草席织成,然后用经线缠绑。阿赞乃是新崛起的明星师傅,以他的坤平、蜥蜴、魂魄勇和刺符出名。他在大城府和曼谷都有不少追随者。他的魂魄勇是按照魂魄勇一代宗师阿赞皮的法术制成的。能成为强力的灵体保镖与看守人,招财并在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有3粒。每粒70元

HPY Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Om Pluk Pluk Goo Ja Pluk,
Por Hoon Duay, Ahang Nukah,
Yu Liao Raksa, Yah Pai Ern,
Kor Hai Ayu Man, Khawan Yern,
Tam Mah Kah Dai, Mi Chok Mi Chai,
Lap Mah Ngern Mah Thong Mah,
Na Na Na Na, Na Ma Pa Ta,
Na Mo Put Ta Ya.

**Offer with rice wine, water, rice and egg**

Phra Khun Paen Nakak VII 坤平壳牌

Phra Khun Paen Nakak VII (Silver material) 1st batch from LP Saithong, Wat Bot, Ayuttaya. Already encased in plastic. With silver plate in front and holy powder behind. Embedded in the powder are mini Phra Trimurati roop, Salika birds, takruts, jiworn cloth, LP's hairs, lek lai pieces, gemstone fragments and serial no plate. LP Saithong is one of the 4 top masters of making Phra Prom amulets and takruts today. But he passed away in March last year at the age of 62. This is an all rounder KP packed with good stuff. Excellent for Metta Mahaniyom, Metta Saneh, wealth attraction, business sales, good luck, success and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). $160. Sold. Thks for support! 
坤平壳牌(银制)第一批 - 出自龙婆赛通,钵寺,大城府。已包防水壳。前面是银壳,后面有圣粉。塞在圣粉上有迷你三面神尊、妙音鸟、符管、袈裟布、师父毛发、流铁块、宝石碎粒和篇号牌。师父乃是当今制造梵天牌和符管的四大高僧之一。但他已在去年三月圆寂,享年62。这是个充满好料的全能坤平。能赐予大众缘、异性缘、财富、好生意、好运 、成功及让一切危险不能近身。佛历2555(2012)年开光。160元

Katha Khun Paen Nakak:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Ehi Mak Mak, Namo Puttaya, Nama Pati,
Su Na Mo Lo, Mo Lo Su Na,
Na Ma Pa Ta, Ja Pa Ka Sa, Nama Mihang (3 or 7x).

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Waen Phaya Jingjok 蜥蜴王戒指

Waen Phaya Jingjok (Nickel material) Kathin 58 batch from AJ Liang, Wat Jom Ket, Ayuttaya. With 3 lizards on the ring, suitable for small to medium sized fingers. AJ Liang is an upcoming star master famous for his KP, Jingjok, HPY and Sakyants. He has quite a following in Ayuttaya and Bkk. His Jingjok has strong wealth properties and well sought after by devotees as well. Excellent for side wealth, windfall luck, popularity, good business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 4 pieces available. $30 each. Sold out. Thks for support! 
蜥蜴王戒指(镍制)58卡廷批 - 出自阿赞梁,宗客寺,大城府。戒指上有三只蜥蜴,适合小到中码的手指。阿赞乃是新崛起的明星师傅,以他的坤平、蜥蜴、魂魄勇和刺符出名。他在大城府和曼谷都有不少追随者。阿赞的蜥蜴有很好的招财能量,也很受信众欢迎。能赐予偏财、横财运、大众缘、好生意买卖及保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有4只。每只30元

Phaya Jingjok Riak Sap 叫财蜥蜴王

Phaya Jingjok Riak Sap (Muang San material) Kathin 58 batch from AJ Liang, Wat Jom Ket, Ayuttaya. Made from a magical mass of holy powders, with shredded money in front, 2 takruts and mini Jingjok embedded behind. AJ Liang is an upcoming star master famous for his KP, Jingjok, HPY and Sakyants. He has quite a following in Ayuttaya and Bkk. His Jingjok has strong wealth properties and well sought after by devotees as well. Excellent for side wealth, windfall luck, popularity, good business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 4 pieces available. $60 each.
叫财蜥蜴王(混合粉制)58卡廷批 - 出自阿赞梁,宗客寺,大城府。蜥蜴牌用多种法力圣粉混合而成,前面有碎钱币,后面塞有2支符管和迷你蜥蜴。阿赞乃是新崛起的明星师傅,以他的坤平、蜥蜴、魂魄勇和刺符出名。他在大城府和曼谷都有不少追随者。阿赞的蜥蜴有很好的招财能量,也很受信众欢迎。能赐予偏财、横财运、大众缘、好生意买卖及保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有4粒。每粒60元