Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Phra LP Tuad Pim 4 Liam 方模龙普托

Phra LP Tuad Pim 4 Liam (Wan material) 5 Chek batch from LP Daeng of Wat Si Mahapo, Pattani. Already placed inside silver longya casing. With piece of Pet Natang and the no "94" embedded behind. This is one of the most famous batch of LPT from LP Daeng as it had protected a bank employee from 5 gunshots fired by a robber. Thus its protective power was nothing short of miraculous. The square pim was released for LP's 94th birthday. Excellent for prosperity and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2538 (1995). 2 pieces available. $200 each.
方模龙普托(药草粉制)开5枪批 - 出自龙婆殿,席摩诃剖寺,北大年府。已装入彩色银壳。背后塞有一粒披纳当矿及盖“94”字。这批是师父最有名的龙普托之一,因为它曾让一个开枪射击一位银行职员的劫匪一连5枪都打不出来。所以说它的保护力是非常不可思议的。此方模是在师父94岁生日推出的。能赐予兴旺及在一切危险之中得到峦普的庇护。佛历2538(1995)年开光。有2粒。每粒200元

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