Prakam Kor Lek Nampi II (Lek Nampi powder material) 1st batch
from LP Tat of Wat Wang Mai Dok, Pisanulok. Consist of 108 Lek Nampi beads, with
serial no plate. LP Tat is the 93 yrs old disciple of LP Yee Wat Dong Dah, who
was able to transform rice into gold. Excellent for boosting luck, energy,
wealth and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). Last 3 strings
available. $50 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
南劈鉄念珠(南劈鉄粉制)第一批 -
This is my collection of Thai and Chinese Buddhist amulets and images. Those who are interested in chowing can email me at or call me at +6594594897 or +66619921622. My shop address is at People's Park Centre, 101 Upper Cross St, #03-02, Singapore 058357. Shop closed from 26/06/2017. Will be open on 7-9/07/2017 for 3 days mass clearance sales, after which will be permanently closed. Pls come and support.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Palakit Ging Rak Sorn IV 叠爱树枝阳神
Palakit Ging Rak Sorn IV (Rak Sorn wood material, 2.5") batch
from LP Od of Wat Bang Muang, Nonthaburi. This palakit is hand carved, with
takrut inserted in the middle and Akaras drawn over. It is very difficult to
make, requiring LP to go to the forest to find a sky high Rak Sorn tree, give
offerings facing the east and then make holy water for 3 days. After he obtains
the branches, he then has to find a man with 8 wives to help him draw the Solot
Yants onto the takrut. Excellent for strong attraction, popularity, easily
finding love, wealth luck, good business sales and protection from all danger.
Consecrated in 2556 (2013). Last 2 pieces available. $50
叠爱树枝阳神(叠爱木制, 2.5寸)- 出自龙婆喔,邦幕盎寺,暖武里府。此阳神是手雕出来的,中间塞了符管,周围画上符字。它是非常难制造的,因为需要师父到森林里去找一棵参天的叠爱树,面向东方做供养,然后在那里加持三天的圣水。得到树枝后,他还必需找一个有八个老婆的男子来帮他画十六天符印在符管上。能赐予强大魅力、人见人爱、容易寻得爱情、财运、好生意买卖及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2556(2013)年开光。最后2支。每只50元。
Palakit Katha:
Gan Hak Ne Hak, I Sa Wa Ha Yak,
Hak Ne Hak Gan, Jong Mah Rak Long,
Jong Jit Dit Jai, Chang Rak Ngah,
Mae Rak Luk, Meuk Rak Goo,
Om Sawahom Dit (3 or 7x).
**LP said it is to be used with caution, not to be
chanted too often. User must also not commit sexual
misconduct and be responsible to one's own family**
叠爱树枝阳神(叠爱木制, 2.5寸)- 出自龙婆喔,邦幕盎寺,暖武里府。此阳神是手雕出来的,中间塞了符管,周围画上符字。它是非常难制造的,因为需要师父到森林里去找一棵参天的叠爱树,面向东方做供养,然后在那里加持三天的圣水。得到树枝后,他还必需找一个有八个老婆的男子来帮他画十六天符印在符管上。能赐予强大魅力、人见人爱、容易寻得爱情、财运、好生意买卖及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2556(2013)年开光。最后2支。每只50元。
Palakit Katha:
Gan Hak Ne Hak, I Sa Wa Ha Yak,
Hak Ne Hak Gan, Jong Mah Rak Long,
Jong Jit Dit Jai, Chang Rak Ngah,
Mae Rak Luk, Meuk Rak Goo,
Om Sawahom Dit (3 or 7x).
**LP said it is to be used with caution, not to be
chanted too often. User must also not commit sexual
misconduct and be responsible to one's own family**
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Met Cintamani III 如意宝药丸
Met Cintamani III (108 Cintamani herb material) from LP Jeua of
Wat Klang Bang Kaew, Nakhon Pathom. Comes in packets of 15 pills. These pills
can be eaten like medicine as well as worn like Look Om. They give off a strong
herb fragrance. The late LP Jeua was not just famous for his Biagae, but also
the Cintamani herb amulets and beads. Excellent for curing illness, good health,
good luck and evading of all danger. Consecrated in 2549 (2006). 4 packets
available. $30 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
如意宝药丸(108如意宝药草制)- 出自龙婆遮,刚邦轿寺,佛统府。每包装有15粒丸。此丸可以当药服用,也可以当法珠佩戴;它们都散发着一种明显的药草香味。已圆寂的龙婆遮不只是他的挡降贝厉害;他用如意宝药粉所做的佛牌和念珠也是相当出名的。能有效治病、增强健康、起运及避开一切危险。佛历2549(2006)年开光。有4包。每包30元。
如意宝药丸(108如意宝药草制)- 出自龙婆遮,刚邦轿寺,佛统府。每包装有15粒丸。此丸可以当药服用,也可以当法珠佩戴;它们都散发着一种明显的药草香味。已圆寂的龙婆遮不只是他的挡降贝厉害;他用如意宝药粉所做的佛牌和念珠也是相当出名的。能有效治病、增强健康、起运及避开一切危险。佛历2549(2006)年开光。有4包。每包30元。
Palakit Khao Wua 牛角阳神
Palakit Khao Wua (Bull horn material, 2.5") from LP Tee of
Wat Hu Chang, Nonthaburi. Carved from bull horns, with Akaras engraved all over
the shaft. LP Tee is most famous for his hand made pidtas and palakits, and has
recently started to make amulets again. Excellent for attraction, popularity,
good luck, good business and protection. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). 5 pieces
available. $60 each.
牛角阳神(牛角制, 2.5寸)- 出自龙婆迪,胡常寺,暖武里府。每支都是从牛角雕刻出来的,茎身周围刻满了符字。龙婆的手做毕打和阳神在该府相当出名,而最近他又重新开始做牌了。能赐予魅力、人见人爱、好运、好生意及保护。佛历2555(2012)年开光。有5支。每支60元。
Palakit katha:
Ma Ah U, Nara Garang,
Ja Pa Ka Sa, Jittang Puriso Jittang,
Pha Ki Ri Me, Ehi Ehi Ji Je Ru Ni,
Ehi Manooyang, Jitti Jittang,
Piyang Mak Mak, Na Ma Pa Ta (3 or 7x).
牛角阳神(牛角制, 2.5寸)- 出自龙婆迪,胡常寺,暖武里府。每支都是从牛角雕刻出来的,茎身周围刻满了符字。龙婆的手做毕打和阳神在该府相当出名,而最近他又重新开始做牌了。能赐予魅力、人见人爱、好运、好生意及保护。佛历2555(2012)年开光。有5支。每支60元。
Palakit katha:
Ma Ah U, Nara Garang,
Ja Pa Ka Sa, Jittang Puriso Jittang,
Pha Ki Ri Me, Ehi Ehi Ji Je Ru Ni,
Ehi Manooyang, Jitti Jittang,
Piyang Mak Mak, Na Ma Pa Ta (3 or 7x).
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Phra Khun Paen Pong Maha Phut Set 大鬼魂粉坤平配套
Phra Khun Paen Pong Maha Phut Set (Mixed powder material)
from LP Tee of Wat Hu Chang, Nonthaburi. Set consist of 1 big and 1 small KP,
with Yant code chopped in front. LP Tee is most famous for his hand made pidtas
and palakits, and has recently started to make amulets again. This powerful
amulet is made from many legendary materials, including old Somdej Bangkhunprom
powder, Pong Prai Kuman from LP Tim, Phra Prom powder from LP See, old KP Wat
Ban Krang powder, old Pidta Gradok Phi powder, old Maha Phut powder of his
master LP Gee and bone ash powder from 7 cemeteries. This can be said to be his
best batch of amulets created so far. Excellent for attraction, popularity, main
and side wealth attraction, boost luck and protection of all danger. Consecrated
in 2558 (2015). 2 sets available. $80 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
大鬼魂粉坤平配套(混合粉制)- 出自龙婆迪,胡常寺,暖武里府。配套里有一大一小坤平,前面盖有符印标记。龙婆的手做毕打和阳神在该府相当出名,而最近他又重新开始做牌了。这个威力强大的牌是用多种传奇的料制成,比如旧邦坤碰颂德佛粉、龙普庭的派古曼粉、龙普席的梵天粉、旧邦港坤平粉、旧鬼骨遮面佛粉、他师父龙普其的旧大鬼魂粉还有7个坟地的骨灰粉。这可以说是师父制造历来最好的牌。能赐予魅力、人见人爱、正财偏财、起运及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2套。每套80元。
大鬼魂粉坤平配套(混合粉制)- 出自龙婆迪,胡常寺,暖武里府。配套里有一大一小坤平,前面盖有符印标记。龙婆的手做毕打和阳神在该府相当出名,而最近他又重新开始做牌了。这个威力强大的牌是用多种传奇的料制成,比如旧邦坤碰颂德佛粉、龙普庭的派古曼粉、龙普席的梵天粉、旧邦港坤平粉、旧鬼骨遮面佛粉、他师父龙普其的旧大鬼魂粉还有7个坟地的骨灰粉。这可以说是师父制造历来最好的牌。能赐予魅力、人见人爱、正财偏财、起运及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2套。每套80元。
Phra Pidta Pong Maha Phut 大鬼魂粉遮面佛
Phra Pidta Pong Maha Phut (Mixed powder material) from LP
Tee of Wat Hu Chang, Nonthaburi. With temple code chopped in front. LP Tee is
most famous for his hand made pidtas and palakits, and has recently started to
make amulets again. This powerful amulet is made from many legendary materials,
including old Somdej Bangkhunprom powder, Pong Prai Kuman from LP Tim, Phra Prom
powder from LP See, old KP Wat Ban Krang powder, old Pidta Gradok Phi powder,
old Maha Phut powder of his master LP Gee and bone ash powder from 7 cemeteries.
This can be said to be his best batch of amulets created so far. Excellent for
main and side wealth attraction, boost luck, evasion and deflection of all
danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 2 pieces available. $70
each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
大鬼魂粉遮面佛(混合粉制)- 出自龙婆迪,胡常寺,暖武里府。牌前面盖有标记。龙婆的手做毕打和阳神在该府相当出名,而最近他又重新开始做牌了。这个威力强大的牌是用多种传奇的料制成,比如旧邦坤碰颂德佛粉、龙普庭的派古曼粉、龙普席的梵天粉 、旧邦港坤平粉、旧鬼骨遮面佛粉、他师父龙普其的旧大鬼魂粉还有7个坟地的骨灰粉。这可以说是师父制造历来最好的牌。能赐予正财偏财、起运、避开及顶开一切危险。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2粒。每粒70元。
大鬼魂粉遮面佛(混合粉制)- 出自龙婆迪,胡常寺,暖武里府。牌前面盖有标记。龙婆的手做毕打和阳神在该府相当出名,而最近他又重新开始做牌了。这个威力强大的牌是用多种传奇的料制成,比如旧邦坤碰颂德佛粉、龙普庭的派古曼粉、龙普席的梵天粉 、旧邦港坤平粉、旧鬼骨遮面佛粉、他师父龙普其的旧大鬼魂粉还有7个坟地的骨灰粉。这可以说是师父制造历来最好的牌。能赐予正财偏财、起运、避开及顶开一切危险。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2粒。每粒70元。
Friday, November 27, 2015
Phra Pajjek Puttajao IV 缘觉佛
Phra Pajjek Puttajao IV (Holy powder material) from LP Lersi
Lingdam, Wat Thasung, Uthai Thani. Already placed in silver longya casing. With
Pajjeka Buddha relic embedded in front. This is one of LP's most popular wealth
amulets. LP is the top disciple of LP Parn, most famous for teaching the
enhanced rich katha and building Wat Thasung into one of the grandest temples in
Thailand. Excellent for all round Metta, main and side wealth attraction, never
going hungry, boost luck and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2534
(1991). $300. SOLD. Thks for support!
缘觉佛(圣粉制)- 出自龙婆鲁士灵丹,塔怂寺,烏泰他尼府。已装入彩色银壳。前面塞有缘觉佛舍利。这是师父最受欢迎的招财佛牌。龙婆是龙普班之大弟子,以传授百万财富经及将塔怂寺建立成为全泰国最富丽堂皇的寺庙之一闻名于世。能赐予全面人缘、正偏财、永不挨饿、起运及在一切危险得到保护。佛历2534 (1991)年开光。300元。
Enhanced Rich Katha
缘觉佛(圣粉制)- 出自龙婆鲁士灵丹,塔怂寺,烏泰他尼府。已装入彩色银壳。前面塞有缘觉佛舍利。这是师父最受欢迎的招财佛牌。龙婆是龙普班之大弟子,以传授百万财富经及将塔怂寺建立成为全泰国最富丽堂皇的寺庙之一闻名于世。能赐予全面人缘、正偏财、永不挨饿、起运及在一切危险得到保护。佛历2534 (1991)年开光。300元。
Enhanced Rich Katha
Phra Somdej Than Sing 狮座颂德佛
Phra Somdej Than Sing (Special mixed powder material) from
LP Pae of Wat Pikunthong, Singburi. Already placed in crystal studded silver longya casing. With gold foil flakes and LP's hair relics pasted on both sides. This is one of LP's most popular Somdej with a steady
rising value. Taken personally by collector from LP when he was still alive.
Excellent for all round Metta, good luck and protection from all danger.
Consecrated in 2515 (1972). $600.
狮座颂德佛(特别混合粉制)- 出自龙婆培,披坤通寺,信武里府。已装入镶水晶的彩色银壳。前后贴有金箔片及龙婆发舍利。这是师父最受欢迎的颂德牌之一,有稳定的上升价值。这是收藏家亲自跟当时还在世的师父请的。能赐予全面人缘、带来好运及在一切危险得到保护。佛历2515(1972)年开光。600元。
狮座颂德佛(特别混合粉制)- 出自龙婆培,披坤通寺,信武里府。已装入镶水晶的彩色银壳。前后贴有金箔片及龙婆发舍利。这是师父最受欢迎的颂德牌之一,有稳定的上升价值。这是收藏家亲自跟当时还在世的师父请的。能赐予全面人缘、带来好运及在一切危险得到保护。佛历2515(1972)年开光。600元。
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Rian Khun Paen Pong Seua Bai 舍白粉坤平牌
Rian Khun Paen Pong Seua Bai (Rakang bell material) Saneha
Nathong batch from Phra Thep Suwanmoli of Wat Palelai, Suphanburi. Already
encased in plastic. This special 9-in-1 KP contains the bone ash of the recently
deceased AJ Seua Bai, one of the 5 tiger bandits in olden times. The KP rian is
made from the melted 100yrs old temple bell, and possess strong energy. It is no
doubt the best KP produced by the temple in recent yrs. Excellent for strong
attraction, popularity, wealth, boost luck, fame, good business and protection
from all danger. Consecrated in 2558 (2015). 2 pieces available. $70 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
舍白粉坤平牌(铜钟制)金面魅力批 - 出自帕帖素弯摩利,巴丽莱寺,素攀府。已包防水壳。这特别的九合一坤平内涵最近过世的阿赞舍白骨灰粉;他就是当年五虎大盗之一。而这个坤平牌是用寺庙的百年老钟溶解而铸成的,本身就有很强的能量。它无疑是巴丽莱寺近年来所出的最佳坤平。能赐予强大魅力、人见人爱、财富、起运、名声、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2粒。每粒70元。
舍白粉坤平牌(铜钟制)金面魅力批 - 出自帕帖素弯摩利,巴丽莱寺,素攀府。已包防水壳。这特别的九合一坤平内涵最近过世的阿赞舍白骨灰粉;他就是当年五虎大盗之一。而这个坤平牌是用寺庙的百年老钟溶解而铸成的,本身就有很强的能量。它无疑是巴丽莱寺近年来所出的最佳坤平。能赐予强大魅力、人见人爱、财富、起运、名声、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2粒。每粒70元。
Roop Lor Jatukam Ramathep III 泽度金天神尊
Roop Lor Jatukam Ramathep III (Nawa material) 1st batch
from Luang Nui, Wat Kohong, Hatyai. Already encased in magnifying plastic
casing, with kring inside. The late Luang Nui was one of the most famous medium
of Jatukam at that time. Excellent for power, authority, main and side wealth,
boosting luck, good business, prosperity and deflection of all danger.
Consecrated in 2548 (2005). $250. SOLD. Thks for support!
泽度金天神尊(九宝铜制)第一批 - 出自龙奴依,寇洪寺,合艾。已包放大防水壳,内有铃珠。已过世的龙奴依在那个时候是最有名的泽度金灵僮之一。能赐予力量、威严、正财偏财、起运、好生意、兴旺及顶开一切危险。佛历2548(2005)年开光。250元。
泽度金天神尊(九宝铜制)第一批 - 出自龙奴依,寇洪寺,合艾。已包放大防水壳,内有铃珠。已过世的龙奴依在那个时候是最有名的泽度金灵僮之一。能赐予力量、威严、正财偏财、起运、好生意、兴旺及顶开一切危险。佛历2548(2005)年开光。250元。
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Roop Lor Jatukam Ramathep II 泽度金天神尊
Roop Lor Jatukam Ramathep II (Yellow Samrit material) 1st batch
from Luang Nui, Wat Kohong, Hatyai. Already encased in magnifying plastic
casing, with kring inside. The late Luang Nui was one of the most famous medium
of Jatukam at that time. Excellent for power, authority, main and side wealth,
boosting luck, good business, prosperity and deflection of all danger.
Consecrated in 2548 (2005). $180.
泽度金天神尊(黄三合铜制)第一批 - 出自龙奴依,寇洪寺,合艾。已包放大防水壳,内有铃珠。已过世的龙奴依在那个时候是最有名的泽度金灵僮之一。能赐予力量、威严、正财偏财、起运、好生意、兴旺及顶开一切危险。佛历2548(2005)年开光。180元。
泽度金天神尊(黄三合铜制)第一批 - 出自龙奴依,寇洪寺,合艾。已包放大防水壳,内有铃珠。已过世的龙奴依在那个时候是最有名的泽度金灵僮之一。能赐予力量、威严、正财偏财、起运、好生意、兴旺及顶开一切危险。佛历2548(2005)年开光。180元。
Rian LP Kalong-Narai Plaeng Rit 龙普卡龙-那莱显通牌
Rian LP Kalong-Narai Plaeng Rit (Loha material) Traimat 50
batch from LP Kalong, Wat Khao Laem, Sakaew. Already encased in plastic, with
Yants and serial no engraved in front. Behind is Phra Narai in his multi head
and multi arm form. LP Kalong the top guru monk of Sakaew was most famous for
his Deva, Pirab and Lersi amulets. Excellent for great power, authority,
influence, change luck, invulnerability and deflection of all danger.
Consecrated in 2550 (2007). $300. SOLD. Thks for support!
龙普卡龙-那莱显通牌(五宝铜制)50三修行月批 - 出自龙普卡龙,考联寺,沙缴府。已包防水壳,前面刻有符印和篇号。后面是那莱天神的多头多手形象。龙普曾是该府之第一高僧,精通天神、披蜡及仙人牌。能赐予大力、威严、影响力、转运、刀枪不入及顶开一切危险。佛历2550(2007)年开光。300元。
龙普卡龙-那莱显通牌(五宝铜制)50三修行月批 - 出自龙普卡龙,考联寺,沙缴府。已包防水壳,前面刻有符印和篇号。后面是那莱天神的多头多手形象。龙普曾是该府之第一高僧,精通天神、披蜡及仙人牌。能赐予大力、威严、影响力、转运、刀枪不入及顶开一切危险。佛历2550(2007)年开光。300元。
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Phra Khun Paen Pong Seua Bai V 舍白粉坤平
Phra Khun Paen Pong Seua Bai V (Mixed powder material) Saneha
Nathong batch from Phra Thep Suwanmoli of Wat Palelai, Suphanburi. Already
placed in micron gold casing. With diff stuff like mini lotus amulet, mini kmt
roop, mini wood nang kwak, gem and silver takruts embedded behind. This special
9-in-1 KP contains the bone ash of the recently deceased AJ Seua Bai, one of the
5 tiger bandits in olden times. These pims are made from ash powder (black),
nam lerk powder (rainbow) and maha saneh powder (brown). It is no doubt the best
KP produced by the temple in recent yrs. Excellent for strong attraction,
popularity, wealth, boost luck, good business and protection from all danger.
Consecrated in 2558 (2015). Black $70 Rainbow $80 Brown
舍白粉坤平(混合粉制)金面魅力批 - 出自帕帖素弯摩利,巴丽莱寺,素攀府。已装入镀金壳。背后塞多种不同的好料如迷你莲花牌、迷你古曼童、迷你木招财女神、宝石和银符管。这特别的九合一坤平内涵最近过世的阿赞舍白骨灰粉;他就是当年五虎大盗之一。而这几个模分别是用骨灰粉(黑)化金粉(彩色)大魅力粉(褐)制成。它无疑是巴丽莱寺近年来所出的最佳坤平。能赐予强大魅力、人见人爱、财富、起运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光 。黑70元 彩色80元 褐70元。
舍白粉坤平(混合粉制)金面魅力批 - 出自帕帖素弯摩利,巴丽莱寺,素攀府。已装入镀金壳。背后塞多种不同的好料如迷你莲花牌、迷你古曼童、迷你木招财女神、宝石和银符管。这特别的九合一坤平内涵最近过世的阿赞舍白骨灰粉;他就是当年五虎大盗之一。而这几个模分别是用骨灰粉(黑)化金粉(彩色)大魅力粉(褐)制成。它无疑是巴丽莱寺近年来所出的最佳坤平。能赐予强大魅力、人见人爱、财富、起运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光 。黑70元 彩色80元 褐70元。
Phra Khun Paen Pong Seua Bai IV 舍白粉坤平
Phra Khun Paen Pong Seua Bai IV (Mixed powder material) Saneha
Nathong batch from Phra Thep Suwanmoli of Wat Palelai, Suphanburi. Already
placed in micron gold longya casing. With gold paint decoration on both sides,
old KP powder and 1 silver takrut embedded behind. This special 9-in-1 KP
contains the bone ash of the recently deceased AJ Seua Bai, one of the 5 tiger
bandits in olden times. This is the popular Kamakan pim. It is no doubt the best
KP produced by the temple in recent yrs. Excellent for strong attraction,
popularity, wealth, boost luck, good business and protection from all danger.
Consecrated in 2558 (2015). $130. SOLD. Thks for support!
舍白粉坤平(混合粉制)金面魅力批 - 出自帕帖素弯摩利,巴丽莱寺,素攀府。已装入彩色镀金壳。前后有金漆装饰、背后塞旧坤平粉和1支银符管。这特别的九合一坤平内涵最近过世的阿赞舍白骨灰粉;他就是当年五虎大盗之一。而这个是受欢迎的委员模。它无疑是巴丽莱寺近年来所出的最佳坤平。能赐予强大魅力、人见人爱、财富、起运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。130元。
舍白粉坤平(混合粉制)金面魅力批 - 出自帕帖素弯摩利,巴丽莱寺,素攀府。已装入彩色镀金壳。前后有金漆装饰、背后塞旧坤平粉和1支银符管。这特别的九合一坤平内涵最近过世的阿赞舍白骨灰粉;他就是当年五虎大盗之一。而这个是受欢迎的委员模。它无疑是巴丽莱寺近年来所出的最佳坤平。能赐予强大魅力、人见人爱、财富、起运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。130元。
Monday, November 23, 2015
Phra Khun Paen Pong Seua Bai III 舍白粉坤平
Phra Khun Paen Pong Seua Bai III (Mixed powder material) Saneha
Nathong batch from Phra Thep Suwanmoli of Wat Palelai, Suphanburi. Already
placed in micron gold longya casing. The right one has 1 gold and 1 silver
takrut embedded in front, the left one has 1 gem, hornet hive powder and mini
kmt roop embedded behind. This special 9-in-1 KP contains the bone ash of the
recently deceased AJ Seua Bai, one of the 5 tiger bandits in olden times. This
red gold pim is one of the special pims. It is no doubt the best KP produced by
the temple in recent yrs. Excellent for strong attraction, popularity, wealth,
boost luck, good business and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2558
(2015). 2 pieces available. Left $80 Right $160. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
舍白粉坤平(混合粉制)金面魅力批 - 出自帕帖素弯摩利,巴丽莱寺,素攀府。已装入彩色镀金壳。右边那粒前面塞有1支金和1支银符管,左边的后面塞宝石、虎头蜂窝粉和迷你古曼尊。这特别的九合一坤平内涵最近过世的阿赞舍白骨灰粉;他就是当年五虎大盗之一。而这个红金色模是其中一个特别模之一。它无疑是巴丽莱寺近年来所出的最佳坤平。能赐予强大魅力、人见人爱、财富、起运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2粒。左80元 右160元。
舍白粉坤平(混合粉制)金面魅力批 - 出自帕帖素弯摩利,巴丽莱寺,素攀府。已装入彩色镀金壳。右边那粒前面塞有1支金和1支银符管,左边的后面塞宝石、虎头蜂窝粉和迷你古曼尊。这特别的九合一坤平内涵最近过世的阿赞舍白骨灰粉;他就是当年五虎大盗之一。而这个红金色模是其中一个特别模之一。它无疑是巴丽莱寺近年来所出的最佳坤平。能赐予强大魅力、人见人爱、财富、起运、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2558(2015)年开光。有2粒。左80元 右160元。
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