Friday, October 16, 2015

Tewa Kalong Lek III 小卡隆神

Tewa Kalong Lek III (Mai Takian material, 4.5cm) from LP Pijan of Wat Popakhai, Ayuttaya. The pair of Tewa Kalong are carved from Mai Takian wood, placed in a small bottle and soaked with magic oil. LP Pijan is one of the top Yantra expert in Ayuttaya who is the senior of LP Saithong as they learned under the same masters. Excellent for Metta Saneh, good luck, attract wealth, good business and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2557 (2014). 2 bottles available. $60 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
小卡隆神(古木制, 4.5cm)- 出自龙婆披赞,剖琶亥寺,大城府。这对卡隆神是用古木雕刻而成,放入小瓶子里并浸泡在法油中。师父是大城府的顶尖符法大师之一,也是龙婆赛通之同门师兄。能赐予魅力、好运、招财、好生意及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2557(2014)年开光。有2瓶。每瓶60元

Tewa Kalong Katha:

Mutu Jittang, Patte Ehi Mokkang,
Mohan Tawa Nara Kunenak,
Maihang Tisawa Sami Wiyak,
Patte Ehi Priteh Wanti,
Itti Jittang Ja Maha Wayo,
Memo Maihang Phakini Tawang,
Itting Purisang Maha Laphang,
Maha Sanehang,
Akaj Chaya Akaj Chahi.

Heart Katha:

Tepetawa Yatisa Lohit,
Itti Ittiyo Awa Sesa,
Mang Tisawa Rachantu.

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