Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Takrut Ang Nang Phayong II 嬉女缸符管

Takrut Ang Nang Phayong II (Copper foil material, 1.5") from AJ Pornsit of Wat Sawang Arom, Chiang Mai. With serial no, yants chopped in the middle, occult powder stuffed at both ends. The powder is also called "Yin Chang Nang Kruan" and possess strong hypnotizing power. Excellent for attractiveness, popularity, relationship harmony, good business sales and protection. Consecrated in 2557 (2014). 3 pieces available. $40 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
嬉女缸符管(铜片制, 1.5寸)- 出自阿赞碰悉,沙旺阿容寺,清迈府。符管中间盖有篇号和符印,两端塞有灵异圣粉。这种粉也叫“双象哭倒女” ,具有强大的催眠力。能赐予吸引力、人见人爱、和合、好生意及保护。佛历2557(2014)年开光。有3支。每支40元

Takrut katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Geung Papi, So Pungmung,
Jita Kanang, Rami Ewang Sari,
Ma Ah U, Su Na Put Ta U (3x).

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