Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Phra Wisutti Thep bucha 供奉型清净天神

Phra Wisutti Thep bucha (Transparent fiber material, 5" x 12.5") from LP Lersi Lingdam, Wat Thasung, Uthai Thani. This is a very rare bucha by him blessed for many times. Wisutti Thep is a Deva which has purified all defilements and attained Nibbana. It is said LP met this Deva in his meditation and was taught many profound wicha. LP is the top disciple of LP Parn, most famous for teaching the enhanced rich katha and building Wat Thasung into one of the grandest temples in Thailand. Excellent for all round Metta, wealth attraction, guidance, boost luck and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2530 (1987). $600. SOLD. Thks for support!
供奉型清净天神(透明塑料制, 5寸x12.5寸)- 出自龙婆鲁士灵丹,塔怂寺,烏泰他尼府。这是他非常稀有的供奉型,经过了多次的加持。清净天神是一位烦恼已尽,证得涅槃的天人。据说师父在禅定中遇见此天人,并被传授多种微妙法门。龙婆是龙普班之大弟子,以传授百万财富经及将塔怂寺建立成为全泰国最富丽堂皇的寺庙之一闻名于世。能赐予全面人缘、财富、指导、起运及在一切危险得到保护。佛历2530 (1987) 年开光。600元

Enhanced Rich Katha

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