Thursday, June 12, 2014

Dap Lersi Normo Chanaman 诺摩仙师伏魔刀

Dap Lersi Normo Chanaman (Wood and steel material, 1.2m) from PT Klan of Wat Khao Or, Pattalung. Comes with wooden stand. With Lersi Normo handle, Yants and Akaras engraved all over the scabbard and blade. This is the only one of its kind Lersi Sword. PT Klan is the previous abbot of Wat Khao Or, who passed away in 2549 at the age of 93. Excellent for great power, authority, guidance, destroying black magic, vanquishing demons, evil spirits and protection from all danger. Consecrated in 2545 (2002). $2000. Sold. Thks for support! 
诺摩仙师伏魔刀(木与钢制, 1.2米)- 出自婆叹干,考哦寺,博他仑府。附有刀架。刀柄被刻成鲁士诺摩,刀柄和刀身刻满了符印和符字。这是独一无二的鲁士刀。师父是考哦寺之前主持;他在佛历2549年圆寂,享年93。能赐予大力、大威德、指导、破除降头、消灭妖魔、邪灵及在一切危险中得到保护。佛历2545(2002)年开光。2000元

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