Thursday, March 20, 2014

Rian Lor Phra Rahu Sema 界石模罗睺牌

Rian Lor Phra Rahu Sema (Black iron material) First batch from LP Tawee of Wat Masong, Nonthaburi. With temple seal and serial no chopped behind. This black iron is said to be a kind of magical metal that can repel ghosts. LP is the top disciple and successor of LP Noi Wat Sisathong, the most famous master of Rahu wicha. This is the first time he is making Rahu amulets. Excellent for boosting luck, changing bad luck into good, warding off enemies, backstabbers and deflection of all danger. Most suitable for those Zodiac who clash with Taisui this year. Consecrated in 2557 (2014). 3 pieces available. $40 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
界石模罗睺牌(黑鉄制)第一批 - 出自龙婆塔威,马宋寺,暖武里府。背后盖有标记和篇号。据说这黑鉄是一种具灵力的金属,有很强的辟邪功能。师父是罗睺法术最有名的席萨通寺龙婆乃之大弟子兼传人。这是他第一次制造罗睺牌。能赐予起运、转坏运为好运、使敌人小人退避及顶开一切危险。最适合今年冲犯太岁之人。佛历2557(2014)年开光。有3粒,每粒40元

Phra Rahu Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Namo Me Phra Rahu Tewanang, Toopa Teepa Japuppang,
Sakkaraj Wantanang, Supa Payan Chana Sampannang,
Pocha Nanang Salinang, Sapa Riwarang, Utagang Warang,
Akaj Chantu, Paripun Chantu, Sapatha Hitaya Sukhaya,
Phra Rahu Tewa, Mahittiga Tepi Amhe,
Anurak Khantu, Arokha Yena Sukhe Naja.

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