Saturday, August 10, 2013

Rian AJ Tee Lek Lersi 阿赞第烈仙人牌

Rian AJ Tee Lek Lersi (Copper and Alpaka material) Boonyarit batch from AJ Tee Lek of Samnak Khao Sunamo, Petchaboon. With AJ's image in front, Lersi, temple chop, serial no and takrut embedded behind. This is the latest batch of rian from him. AJ Tee Lek is now known in the whole of Thailand as the "Bulletproof monk of Petchaboon" and became somewhat of a legend due to the TV programs that show his takruts and amulets being tested regularly against guns. Excellent for power, authority, guidance, invulnerablity, courage and deflection of all danger. Consecrated in 2556 (2013). 4 pieces available. $40, $50.
阿赞第烈仙人牌(铜与镍制)功德成就批 - 出自阿赞第烈,素那摩山僧舍,碧差汶府。前面盖有师父肖像,后面是仙人、寺庙标记、篇号和塞了1支符管。这是他最新一批自身牌。阿赞现今已被誉为“碧差汶之避弹高僧”而闻名全泰国。托多个在电视上展现他的符管佛牌不时被试枪节目的宣传,他也成为了一个传奇人物。能赐予力量、威严、指引、刀枪不入、勇猛及顶开一切危险的保护。佛历2556(2013)年开光。有4粒,40元,50元

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