Monday, July 8, 2013

Mai Tao Lersi 仙人法杖

Mai Tao Lersi (Mai Takian material, 1.08m) from LP Anan of Wat Bang Pi Noi, Samut Prakan. Carved from old Mai Takian wood, with a Lersi statue at the top. There are the Akaras of the sacred 108 katha engraved all around the shaft. Excellent for bestowing good luck, wealth, protection, giving guidance as well as dispelling black magic and driving away evil spirits. LP Anan is now famous in both Thailand and Malaysia due to the power of his monkey amulets. Consecrated in 2556 (2013). One and only piece made. $500.
仙人法杖(古木制,1.08米)- 出自峦珀阿难,邦披乃寺,北揽府。整支用古木雕刻而成,顶端是仙人像。杖身周围都刻了神圣108咒文之符字。能赐予好运、财富、保护、指导以及解除降头和驱逐邪灵。峦珀阿难灵猴王牌的威力如今在泰国和马国都已经相当出名。佛历2556(2013)年开光。独一无二的一支。500元

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