Thursday, June 20, 2013

Dery Ngoo Lerm IV 蟒蛇爪

Dery Ngoo Lerm IV (Python claw material) by LP Panya of Wat Nong Paknam, Chonburi. Already encased in plastic and filled with Metta oil. 3K takruts are tied around the real claw inside with holy thread. This is the biggest and last piece left there. LP Panya is 108 yrs old and the oldest living guru monk in the province, revered by many masters including LP Boon for his wicha. Excellent for boosting windfall luck, attract side wealth, strong Metta Saneh and evading all danger. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). Only a few pieces made by LP. $400. SOLD. Thks for support!
蟒蛇爪(蛇爪制)- 出自峦普般纳,浓巴南寺,春武里府。已包塑胶壳,里面注满人缘油。里头的真蛇爪与金银铜符管用经线缠绑在一起。这是最大的一只也是庙里最后一只。峦普已经108岁,是该府最老的大师。他的法术受许多其他师父所崇敬,包括峦珀文。能赐予赌运、招偏财、无比的魅力及避开一切危险。佛历2555(2012)年开光。师父只做了几只。400元

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