Thursday, April 4, 2013

Takrut Na Ork Daek 爱死你符管

Takrut Na Ork Daek (Lead material, length 2.5") from LP Leua, Wat Khon Cha Ngok, Saraburi. All hand drawn by LP, with gold paint and extra Yants on the outside. Already placed inside micron gold casing. This is another unique Metta takrut from LP. LP Leua is the top Yantra master of Saraburi today. Excellent for powerful Metta, influence, good business sales, success in interviews or any negotiations. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). Few pieces made. 2 pieces available. $100 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
爱死你符管(锡片制,长2.5寸)- 出自峦珀乐,孔差哦寺,北標府。全是师父手画,外层有金漆和额外许多符印。已装入镀金壳中。这是师父另一种独特的人缘符管。峦珀乐可说是该府的符法第一高手。能赐予强力人缘、影响力、好生意、在任何面试或谈判之中无往不利。佛历2555(2012)年开光。数量少。有2支,每支100元

Katha Na Ork Daek:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Na Na Na Namak Anyang Sara Sati
Sali Satang Piyang Mak Mak
Mah Mah Mee Mee Mani Manak (3 or 7x).

**Before going for any interview or negotiation, pray with this takrut by
reciting this katha, then swallow your own saliva. You will be
successful in your endeavour.**

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