Friday, February 15, 2013

Hoonpayon Fao Sap II 中模刀手魂魄勇

Hoonpayon Fao Sap II Pim Glang (Straw, wire and cloth material, height 2.5") First batch from AJ Ek of Wat Klang Klong, Ayuttaya. This spirit soldier is made from straw and wire, bound together with cloth. Yants are drawn on the front. AJ Ek is another upcoming young master in Ayuttaya expert in traditional Hoonpayon Wicha and various takruts. Excellent for serving as a bodyguard, watchman as well as attracting business sales. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). 4 pieces available. $40 each.
中模刀手魂魄勇(稻草、钢线和布制,高2.5寸)第一批 - 出自阿赞诶,岗埪寺,大城府。此鬼兵是用稻草和钢线制成,用白布缠绑的。前面画上了符印。阿赞诶是另一个正在该府崛起的年轻师父,精通传统的魂魄勇法术和多种符管。能充当很好的保镖、守卫及帮助招生意买卖。佛历2555(2012)年开光。有4只,每只40元

**To invite the Hoonpayon for the 1st time pray with 1 cup of rice wine and 1 joss stick for each guard. Tell the guard to protect the wealth and family members in your house from theft, harm and other bad things. U can also ask it to help attract business (for shop). Let the guard know the individual names of the family members to protect as well. After that regularly change the rice wine offering for the guard(s).**

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