Thursday, January 3, 2013

Takrut Solot Mongkon V 十六吉祥符管

Takrut Solot Mongkon V (Steel foil material, length 3.25") from LP Paew of Wat Nongpongnok, Nakhon Pathom. Already encased in plastic with 3 rings. LP Paew learned from many great guru monks and is famous for the effectivness of his multi-purpose takruts. Great for power, authority, boosting luck, defending against black magic, evil spirits and other enemies. This Takrut and Takrut Phra Pai together make a very powerful combination. Consecrated in 2551 (2008). 3 pieces available. $40 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
十六吉祥符管(钢片制,长3.25寸)- 出自峦珀飘,农碰诺寺,佛统府。已包塑胶壳和3个钢圈。峦珀飘曾跟随多位有名高僧学习,而他的多功能符管也相当出名。能给予力量、威严、起运、防御一切降头、邪灵和怨敌。它与迷军风一起佩戴是非常强的组合。佛历2551(2008)年开光。有3支,每支40元

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