Sunday, July 22, 2012

Loop Om Prai 9 Got 九胎灵法丸

Loop Om Prai 9 Got (Prai Kuman powder material) from LP Goy of Wat Kaodintai, Buri Ram. With 1 small takrut inserted in the middle. Made from the remaining PKM powder from 9 kids. LP Goy is the successor of LP Chuen Wat Tayee, master of the Khmer wicha. Excellent for Metta Saneh, Maha Niyom, wealth attraction and protection. Consecrated in 2555 (2012). 2 pieces available. $25 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!
九胎灵法丸(派古曼粉制)- 出自峦珀该,考顶代寺,武里喃府。中间塞有1支小符管。这些法丸是用剩余9个孩子的派古曼粉所做成的。师父是大意寺峦普趁的唯一传人,柬式法术之大师。能增强异性缘、大众缘、招财和给予保护。佛历2555(2012)年开光。有两粒,每粒25元

PKM katha:

Na Mah Mi Mah Maha Lapha
Iti Puttassa Suwan Nang Wah
Racha Tang Wah Mani Wah
Thanang Wah Pichang Wah
Attang Wah Pattang Wah
Ehi Ehi Akaj Cheyya
Iti Mee Mah Na Ma Mi Hang (3 or 7x).

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