Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Roop Lor Luang Por Ban Laem 瓣莲化缘佛

Roop Lor Luang Por Ban Laem (Black Copper material) First batch from Wat Pet Samut, Samut Songkram. With classical decorative steel casing. LP Ban Laem is one of the 3 miraculous Buddha "brothers" that floated down the Chao Phraya river long ago; the other 2 being LP Sotorn and LP Khao Takrao. This famous Buddha statue is in the posture of "Pang Umbat" or holding almsbowl. Hundreds of devotees come to pay homage to him daily. Excellent for granting good luck, fulfilling wishes, never going hungry and protection from all danger. Most useful for ppl born on Wednesday AM. Consecrated in 2521 (1978). $80. SOLD. Thks for support!
瓣莲化缘佛(黑铜制)第一批 - 出自霹萨沐寺,夜功府。已装入古典花纹钢壳。峦珀瓣莲是很久以前从昭披耶河奇迹般飘下来的三尊佛像兄弟之一;另外两尊为峦珀梭通和峦珀考塔靠。这尊佛像是持钵化缘之形象。每天都有众多信徒来向它膜拜祈福。能赐予好运、满愿、不会挨饿及在一切危险中得到保护。对于拜三早上出生之人最有利。佛历2521(1978)年开光 。80元

Luang Por Ban Laem Katha:

Namo Tassa (3x)
Satha Wachira Samut Tawara Wihare
Patit Titang Narate Wehi Puchitang
Patta Hattang Putta Roopang
Ahang Wanthami Tooratoh.

Heart katha:

Na Ma Ra Ah, Na Te Wa Ah.

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