Saturday, September 17, 2011

Palakit Lek 小阳神

Palakit Lek 小阳神 (Wood material, length 1.75") from Ajarn Pon of Arsom Lersi Payakaraj, Bangkok. Great for Metta Maha Niyom, Saneh and Kah Kai. AJ Pon aka Lersi Payakaraj is now famous throughout Bangkok for the Kongkapan and Maha Amnaj powers of his amulets and Sakyants. As seen in the video, AJ Pon reblesses these Palakits on the spot and makes all of them "stand up", not unlike the late LP Yit Wat Nong Jok. Consecrated in 2554 (2011). 4 pieces available. $40 each. SOLD OUT. Thks for support!

Palakit Katha:

Gan Ha Ne Ha (7x).

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